June’s Exciting New Malifaux Releases From Wyrd Games!

Malifaux feature 1 (2)New Malifaux models and releases are coming from Wyrd Games in June; check out what you can score this month!

Wyrd Games has been pumping out releases lately, and we love it! It’s been a while since M3E kicked off, and it’s always nice to see a company keep the releases coming as the game grows. New products for the game mean options and ways to play keep expanding. If you haven’t played before, now is the best time to get into it.

This time there are three new products, including new models and an expansion as well. These are just about to hit shelves, so keep your eyes peeled, as great products are out there! So plenty for everyone to pick from. Let’s take a closer look.

Kastore Core Box: $60

Malifaux Releases JuneGetting more minis to play the factions you love is always nice! Especially when they look as wild as this! If you want some crazy undead, this will be for you. Here are the specs on this box: 

Keyword: Returned


  • Kastore, Awakened
  • Marathine
  • Gwyll
  • Blood Vessels x3

Deep in the Dark: $30

Malifaux Releases June 2While this doesn’t have quite as many minis, they are all still great-looking and packed with that Wyrd detail. Here are the specs on this box: 

Keyword: Returned, Nephilim


  • Athorak
  • Cavern Nephilim x2

Ruins of a Lost Age: $45

Malifaux Releases June 3All three of the models in this box are pretty wild, and even if you don’t want to play them, they will make for a fantastic hobby project! Here are the specs on this box: 

Keywords: Bygone, Returned


  • Tiri, The Architect
  • Unseelie Engine
  • Kastore, Fervent

If you want to see last month’s releases, check out here! That does it for this one, just a bunch of cool new releases coming your way in June from Wyrd!

Click Here to Get Your June Malifaux Releases!