New 10th Edition 40k SN Battle Report: Aeldari vs Ultramarines

Aeldari 10th Edition 40k Battle ReportLearn the mechanics of 10th Edition 40k with this awesome new battle report featuring Aeldari vs. the Ultramarines!

Another battle for 40k supremacy is happening on the SN Battle Reports YouTube Channel. This time we get to see how the new edition plays out on the tabletop and how the units work! There has been a lot of talk about Aeldari looking like one of the strongest lists out there, and now we get to see for ourselves if the hype is true.

Their studio is quite an excellent place for a game, so we’re excited to see who comes out on top. Let’s first look at the lists, then dive into the battle!

Aeldari List:

Aeldari 10th Edition 40k Battle Report 3AELDARI

+ HQ +

Spiritseer: Warlord, Phoenix Gem Enhancement


+ Elites +

Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield, 5x Wraithblade

Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield, 5x Wraithblade

Wraithguard: Wraithcannon, 5x Wraithguard

Wraithlord: 2 x Shuriken Catapult, Bright Lance, Scatter Laser

Wraithlord: 2 x Shuriken Catapult, Bright Lance, Scatter Laser

+ Heavy Support +

War Walkers
. War Walker: 2x Starcannon

War Walkers
. War Walker: 2x Starcannon

War Walkers
. War Walker: 2x Starcannon

Wraithseer: D-cannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent: Twin Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Catapult

Wave Serpent: Twin Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Catapult

+ Lord of War +


Ultramarines List:

Aeldari 10th Edition 40k Battle Report 2ULTRAMARINES

Chief Librarian Tigurius

Librarian in Phobos Armour

Marneus Calgar & Victrix Guard

Primaris Chaplain on Bike

Primaris Librarian

10x Assault Intercessors Squad

10x Infiltrators Squad

10x Intercessors Squad: Bolt rifle

6x Aggressors Squad: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

3x Bladeguard Veterans Squad

Primaris Company Champion

Dreadnought: Twin lascannon

3x Inceptors Squad: Assault bolter

3x Outriders Squad

3x Eliminators Squad

6x Eradicators Squad

New 10th Edition 40k SN Battle Report: Aeldari vs. Ultramarines

After seeing the lists, who do you think will win? Well, no need to wonder too long at it; just watch the video and find out! The game is action-packed and full of great details for anyone looking to play the armies involved!

If you want to see more great battle reports, be sure to check out SN Youtube for more!

Follow SN Battle Reports Youtube Here

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