Best Alternatives To GW for Adeptus Titanicus & Legions Imperialis

best-games-workshop-alterantives-adeptus-titanicusHere are the best alternatives to Games Workshop for Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis miniatures, including conversion bits!

This list will be ongoing, so if you have a favorite company out there with a ton of great bits or models, let us know! Considering we don’t know every company out there, these are just our favorites and the ones we know about, so be sure to speak up if your favorite(s) isn’t on here.

Best Alternatives To GW for Adeptus Titanicus & Legions Imperialis


GW showed off the Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis stater box (we’ll have it below for you), and we have a ton of details about the setting, gameplay, units, and terrain! If you’ve patiently waited for Epic Warhammer 40k to return, it’s almost here!

Best of all, Adeptus Titanicus is not going away! You can use all your AT units as they are the identical Epic Scale as Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis.

Let’s take a look at the best alternatives to Games Workshop for Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis miniatures and conversion bits!

Battle Bling:

You can see how their bits look in real life as Rob did a pretty big unboxing and review for a lot of their alternatives for Adeptus Titancius.

battle bling 2The site has so much amazing stuff on it and even has magnetized arms, which just makes the process so much easier for kits like Warhounds and Reavers.

There are not very many places to reliably get bits out there, so that makes Battle Bling even better. So whether you want to just grab a bit or two, or convert your whole range, they are a great place to start.

battle bling 3Plus the price on their alternatives is great and generally about half of what Forge World would charge for similar Adeptus Titanicus bits.

And let’s be honest, just the name Battle Bling is something in its own right! Click here to check out all their products, and use code SPIKEYBITS to get 10% off your purchase!

Grimdark Terrain:

grimdark terrain 2


grimdark terrain


grimdark terrain 3They have an awesome monthly program where you get tons of amazing terrain and bits for Adeptus Titanicus! the program is for STLs, but man, they have a ton of really cool stuff and if you want to spice up your games of AT, they are a great place to look! Click here to shop their site!

Pop Goes the Monkey:

pop tiny titans

tiny titansPop Goes the Monkey is always coming out with some of the coolest minis and bits on the market! They basically have something for every faction out there and all kinds of games. If you’ve been looking to upgrade your army, they are a great place to start. And if you didn’t know, they have pages upon pages of bits for Adeptus Titanicus! Click here to browse them all!

Vanguard Miniatures:

vanguardWhether you play AI or AT, they have a ton of bits and full models. Plus, they also have a ton of STLs, so a great place to go and browse when you’re looking for bits and alternative models! Click here to shop for them all.

Bits Blitz Designs

BitsThey mainly have terrain and accessories, but still, you always need great terrain! They mainly do STLs, but if you don’t have a printer at this point, you really need to go get one! Click here to check out their designs!

Adeptus Titanicus Hobby Gear

titanicus command terminals magnetic

TUTORIAL: Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminals

If you hate the current Adeptus Titancius Command Terminals, check out how easy it is to magnetize them with just a few mouse clicks.

What’s your favorite company for Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperalis alternatives?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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