Revamping Cities of Sigmar With Rules for the Castelite Formation!

cities-of-sigmar-new-army-box-age launchWith some big leaks out there, GW drops a bunch of new Cities of Sigmar rules (and sprues pics) based around the Castelite Formation!

We’ve been seeing rules, models, and leaks for months now for Cities of Sigmar, so the new stuff should be right on the horizon! However, it’s always nice to see rules ahead of the release; that way, you can decide what to pick up next! They also showed off a couple of sprues for the new kits, which is always nice.

There were some huge rule leaks, which you can check out here, and this actually supports what we saw in them, so the rest have a higher chance of being 100% correct. Let’s jump into the new rules!

GW Drops New Cities of Sigmar Rules For the Castelite Formation

The new rules and sprues for Cities of Sigmar come from Warhammer Community.

Cities of Sigmar Rules Castelite Formation

The Castelite formation is at the heart of every Dawnbringer Crusade to depart the Cities of Sigmar in recent years, an innovation credited to Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch. When a Sigmarite convoy was beset by Kruleboyz in the sulfuric Vitae Deltas of Aqshy, then-mercenary Captain Vedra helped repel the first wave, before ordering her soldiers to break down the expedition’s caravans and palisades into portable – if ramshackle – barricades. 

The Ironweld Great Cannon acts as the gatehouse, which can be wheeled forward as needed to let Freeguild Cavaliers surge into enemy lines. This one-drop Core Battalion is the fulcrum for the many-splendoured armies of the new battletome, with the Slayer ability granting a unit a free Unleash Hell or All-out Attack command on anyone foolish enough to charge a living fortress.

If you want to dig in and shoot your opponent off the board, this is going to be the formation for you! They have a ton of awesome new shooting units, and if you like digging in, you get a lot of benefits.

Cities of Sigmar Rules Castelite Formation 2

Moving a whole castle isn’t entirely without issue. Black-powder weapons are hefty iron constructions fitted with fussy mechanisms, and the Castelite Formation is at its most lethal when it is in a fortified position. A dug-in Ironweld Great Cannon can blast apart elite warriors with its Cannonball or Armour-piercing Shell, but if the formation is on the move then they make do with hastily loaded Grapeshot.

This aligns with the leaks we saw, giving you the full confirmed rules.

New Cities of Sigmar Models 4Nothing too crazy here; it’s a giant cannon that is good at shooting down big models! You’ll just want to deploy this and not move it so it can shoot whatever you want.

If you want something to bring down monsters, bring this. 

Cities of Sigmar Rules Castelite Formation 3

As the formation trudges forward, the Battlepriests accompanying units of Freeguild Steelhelms nestled within can purge corruption with prayers of devotion. With a rousing Azyrite hymn they Consecrate the Land and bless an uncontested objective, granting all CITIES OF SIGMAR HUMAN units a 6+ ward. Plant your Castelite formation on a vital holy site and let the Slaves of Darkness come knocking – is black-powder shot alright for dinner?

Considering you aren’t going to be moving the formation much, try to get around an objective and Consecrate the Land, then give tons of your models a Ward save.

Cities of Sigmar Sprues

Cities of Sigmar Rules Castelite Formation 4


Cities of Sigmar Rules Castelite Formation 5

Freeguild Steelhelms are the Battleline building blocks of your army, and their kit is simply loaded with personality. You’ll find 15 interchangeable heads on those sprues, as well as extra heads for your Champion, Banner Bearer, and Battle Priests. You’ll be creating troops so unique you’ll want to give them all names.

They have a decent number of extra heads, weapons, and the option for Battle Priests. They are indeed a multi-part kit and look to have a decent amount of customization with the arms and heads.

Click Here For The Latest on Cities of Sigmar

What do you think about these new GW previews for the Cities of Sigmar and rules?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!