Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis Set of Terrain On The Way For Warcry

new-warcry-terrain-Scales-of-TalaxisSavage Lands: Scales of Talaxis is a brand new terrain set for Warcry featuring pieces broken off from the crashed Seraphon voidship!

With sentient Gnarloaks and magical constructs littered around, your fight begins deep in the ruined remnants of the Eye of Chotec. When you’re that deep in the thick of it, you want some awesome terrain to fight over!

Like most Warcry terrain, this set is rife with areas to hide from, hit, and hurl your enemies off of. Let’s get into the new terrain.

GW Announces Brand New Terrain Set for Warcry!

The latest on the new Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis terrain set comes from Warhammer Community.

Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis1

Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis is a brand new terrain set for Warcry, featuring 17 pieces of terrain including more bestial Ghurish flora and jade ruins shaken loose from the Eye of Chotec, a brand new double-sided game board with a swampy theme, scenery cards that provide 12 suggested layouts, and a Warcry token set.

Not only will you get the new terrain, but you’ll also grab a dozen scenery cards. This means you should have an excellent way to change your games up, and who doesn’t love a new locale to do battle on?

Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis 3

An arched Starfire Pylon dominates the set, largely intact and still coursing with mystical energies. Other elements of Seraphon architecture include an Idol of Motzlpota – a Slann effigy with precarious bamboo platforms built around it – a collection of stone ruins, walkways, shattered posts, and ancient Jars of Quetzl.

The depths of the Gnarlwood are also home to bowed Elder Gnarloaks, senescent but still vicious plants with grasping branches, often surrounded by thickets of razor sharp gnarlbriar.

The details look pretty good across all the pieces, and the idea of a crashed Seraphon Voidship is just fun.

Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis 4

This set makes the perfect addition to the Hunter and the Hunted, and can be added to any previous Gnarlwood terrain set to increase the size and scope of your collection. New rules for fighting in enervating swamps that can be set alight by the crackling energy pulsing through the Starfire Pylon will also be free to download from Warhammer Community when Scales of Talaxis is made available to pre-order.

You know we’re always down with free rules, and even if you don’t pick this kit up, you can still download the rules to mix up your Warcry games.

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What do you think of this new Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis Warcry terrain set? 

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About the Author: John Von Canon

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John Von Canon

Job Title: Miniatures & Trading Card Games Writer

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

About John Von Cannon: Tabletop gaming since 2016; John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and covers new miniature products, trading card games, and RPGs.

He spends his evenings working at his local game store for the full hobby experience. So if you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next Commander game or a cool new hobby product for miniatures, he’s your guy.