This Kickstarter Has The Perfect Steel Legion Alternatives!

Steel Legion AlternativesThe Megapolis Defenders Kickstarter is full of STL files that would let you print out amazing Steel Legion alternatives!

While these models have been forgotten by some, those who love them are in serious luck! This project has files for infantry, tanks, and more! If you’ve been looking for the perfect alternatives for a certain regiment in the Guard, look no further.

However, if you want in on the files, don’t wait, as there is only about a week left to support! This means if you wait too long, you might just miss out on this incredible project. Let’s jump into what you can score!

The Megapolis Defenders Kickstarter Has Perfect Steel Legion Alternatives!

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Steel Legion Alternatives 3Since this is their project, we’ll let them tell you the details!

Our project aims to provide you with futuristic soldiers featuring a pronounced industrial aesthetic. These miniatures are designed to fit perfectly within the standard 28mm scale. Our  stretch goals will unlock various options, ensuring you have everything  needed to assemble a complete army following this theme..

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 Any items unlocked through stretchgoals will be seamlessly included in your STL file pledge.

Steel Legion Alternatives 6There are really a ton of files, and by backing, you can make an entire army from home!


Steel Legion Alternatives 7What you get in the project:

A infantry kit as:

    • 30 infantrymen;
    • 2 special weapons (Plasma launcher & Grenade launcher)
    • 2 heavy weapons (Missile launcher & Heavy Boltmachine)
    • 10 special team mens;
    • 6 HQ men

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A tank kit as :

    • Troop transport BELLATORES Mk.2 truck
    • Flamer tank BELLATORES Mk.3 truck
    • Artillery tank BELLATORES Mk.4 truck
    • Pax Dominator Battle tank 
    • Pax Dominator Battle tank with destrutor howitzer

Stretch Goals:

Steel Legion Alternatives 10As you can see, they have already hit a bunch of stretch goals, but there is way more to hit, so the more we all support, the more we all get! Remember, there are only a couple of days left, so don’t wait around.

Click Here to Get Your Steel Legion Alternatives!