Put the Cannon Fodder Set to Work in Your Guard Army!

Cannon Fodder Preview feature rThe Cannon Fodder Set from Wargames Atlantic is full of amazing minis that would make for great alternatives for any Guard army out there!

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models, and their kits are always affordable and full of detail. This new set is no different, and you can score them right now. With the price of the set, you basically get each mini for a little over a dollar, which is just crazy in today’s market. 

The minis in the new kit all look great and can actually be used in their Death Fields game or tons of alternatives. Plus, at this price, you can easily grab the boxes just for the bits and conversion possibilities. Let’s get into the set! 

Cannon Fodder Set: $34.95

Cannon FodderWhether you are using these for Death Fields or using them for conversion, they already look pretty great.

Let’s hear a little more from them about the pre-order:

The Cannon Fodder is the dregs of the Death Fields sport: the washouts, the mental cases, the sole remaining members of depleted teams… And one final chance for profit by the owners. 

Cannon Fodder Preview2Cobbled together into a horde and given basic weaponry. The typical Cannon Fodder bout is an ugly display of sheer numbers thrown at a standard roster team. Defeat is an almost foregone conclusion, but not always, and audiences often root for these men, women, and beings sent to fight to Real Death. 

Cannon Fodder 2


Cannon Fodder 3This box set includes enough parts to build 30 hard plastic troops with standard rifles and plasma weapons along with grenades, pistols, backpacks, and other accessories to customize your force. Four different head types allow for very different looks for your team. Alternatively, you can use them for planetary or near future militia, escaped prisoners, starship crew, and more.

If you love what Wargames Atlantic is up to, check out what else they have going on! That does it for this one; now stop staring and go jump on the pre-order!

Click Here to Grab Your WGA Minis!