Hordes of New Flesh Eater Courts Models For AoS!

flesh-eater-courts-title-army-box-new-age-of-sigmarThe Flesh Eater Courts are getting a giant swathe of new models for AoS and plenty of minis to expand your courts to new realms!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Flesh Eater Courts models, along with our commentary on it!

Hordes of New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models & Battletome Revealed By GW!

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts ModelsWhile we saw a couple of random minis already, the army is getting an insane number of new models! If you play FEC, this is going to be a good holiday season for you!

New Battletome & Army Box

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

The first place to get some of these miniatures is in the Flesh-eater Courts Army Set. This box contains a diligent Abhorrant Gorewarden, a blessed Varghulf Courtier, 20 Cryptguard eager to seek approval from the court, and three valiant Morbheg Knights. The army set also contains an exclusive edition of Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts, which lays out the full chivalric traditions of the kingdoms that pay fealty to the Lord of Masques, and a set of warscroll cards, enhancement cards, and tokens exclusive to the box.

Like with all the army boxes, this one will have early access to a bunch of the new minis and, of course, the battletome!

The new Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set is here for Age of Sigmar, but what kind of value can we expect to score with it? The box comprises 25 new minis and is just the starting point for new models! However, the real question is, what kind of value will you save with this box?

If you want early access to the battletome and the new minis, this is really the only way to do it. However, they usually come out a couple of weeks later. So if you can’t get your hands on a box, maybe don’t go too crazy paying higher prices on the secondary market as the battletome and models should be released separately soon after.

Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set $200 €155 £120

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

The set contains 25 completely new plastic miniatures: one mighty Abhorrant Gorewarden as general, his trusty Varghulf Courtier, three lightning-fast Morbheg Knights, and 20 obdurate Cryptguard.

You’ll also find an exclusive launch edition of the new 88-page Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts, plus 27 warscroll cards, 30 tokens, and 33 enhancement cards, all of which are only available in this set (though the battletome will be released separately in a different format). In short, it’s everything a general needs to set out on a Crimson Crusade in Ushoran’s name. This set is available while stocks last.

These Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set Values Are Hot Fire!

These Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set Values Are Hot Fire!Here are the savings and value for the Flesh-Eater Courts army box set for AoS in our pricing breakdown article; check it out here.

New Cryptguard

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

The Cryptguard are tenacious guardians of their monarch’s estates, lowborn serfs who have earned great privileges through their valour and loyalty. They enjoy the most comfortable hovels, the chance to dine on leftovers from noble banquets, and may even wield a weapon from their majesty’s private armoury.

This was the kit we saw wandering around in the wild, and the minis look great! They seem to have a ton of options and plenty of trophies.

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts ModelsYou can also build them with giant axes, and what’s not to love about that?

New Morbheg Knights

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Many lords maintain stables of proud and noble pegasi, while others boast of fearsome draconith steeds, or claim to have mastered even stranger heraldic beasts. These all make fine mounts for the Morbheg Knights, their charges accompanied by a joyous, ringing laughter that stupefies the gutless and craven.

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts ModelsWhen you really need to enforce the will of the courts, these are an easy go-to! They mentioned in the stream they can smash through pretty much anything, so they should be quite powerful.

New Flesh Eater Courts Varghulf Courtiers

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Not every noble is meant for the burden of command. Others are destined for a purer purpose, and find themselves blessed with preternatural fervour and strength. These souls become hallowed templars, wandering champions who eschew the court to battle evil wherever they find it.

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts ModelsThese look super intimidating, and on the stream, they said they could basically break a battleline, so we expect plenty of people to add them to their lists.

New Flesh Eater Courts Characters

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Those noble scions who exhibit the touch of divinity are sent to the Cardinal order, where they learn the precepts of the Summerking’s faith – and eschew any claim to material power, keeping their sires safe from a potential priestly rival. These spiritual leaders must pledge loyalty to Ushoran alone, and endure a sip of rich kingsblood wine from his consecrated chalice. Those whose faith is strong enough find themselves able to enforce the Summerking’s divine will with wondrous miracles, and lead great missionary efforts into the barbaric wilds.

If you need to bless your troops and give them buffs, this is the model to do it!


Even the lowliest of villains are deemed worthy of an honourable death by the Grand Justice and his court – but the Royal Decapitators who carry out such judgements do so with little hesitation. 

How can you run a proper kingdom without a decapitator? Don’t worry; the FEC has you covered!

Once the greatest and noblest champion of Nagash, Ushoran was brought low by some cruel twist of fate, transfigured into a swollen goliath afflicted with an unquenchable thirst. It took the combined might of the other Mortarchs to subdue their cursed comrade and return him to their master. 

Last but not least is Ushoran! This is a pretty crazy mini and should have some insane rules to go along with it.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about all the new Flesh Eater Courts models? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!