Games Workshop is Pushing People Out the Door

warhammer 40k editorial marine wal horDon’t look now, but the latest 40k pricing is pushing $100 for full squads and may have dire consequences for the hobby.

Games Workshop may end up pushing people out the door with the latest pricing for fairly simple kits and squads. Even some new easy-to-build (ETB) kits are pushing the $75 mark, and that’s just wild compared to big multi-part kits.  These new high prices for simple kits and squads may lead to dire consequences for the hobby.

Games Workshop is Pushing People Out the Door

Space Marine Scout SquadThe latest GW pricing is, let’s say, surprising and a little worrying. ‘Elite-level’ models have been priced around $60-$65 for a while now, but we never saw troops (Scouts) that are just multi-part go for the same as Terminators or Company Heroes. These have no Kill Team upgrades, no nothing; they are just scouts. It’s also interesting that the scouts are more expensive than the Infernus squad, which are bigger models, and both are just basically ‘normal’ troops. However, it seems that because they come from Kill Team, GW has deemed that it’s worth the value to make them more expensive.

Aeldari Blades of KhaineOn the flip side, the Dire Avengers kit is already 5 for $45 (10 for $90), Banshees are even 5 for $60 (10 for $120), and now Scorpions (again multipart kit, no KT upgrades) are $75 for 10 when branded for ‘Kill Team.’  Does that mean the Scorpions will be $60 for five like Banshees at general release and also over $100 for an entire squad?  It seems to be weird pricing all the way around with them. However, Striking Scorpions for $75 is the most expensive Kill Team kit to date.

A Bad Look For the Rumored Price Increases

Space Marine Ballistus DreadnoughtIn the same week, we saw the ETB Ballistus sprue from Leviathan go for $70! That is $5 less than the multi-part Redemptor. The last time we saw the ETB Redemptor was back in 2017, which was $45. Yes, $45! So we could see where hobbyists may want to upgrade their Redemptor or Brutalist Dreadnought with a set of cheaper Ballistus bits. Because, unless you’re new, buying Dreadnaughts for $70 isn’t as appealing as spending $10-$20 in bits to upgrade an existing model you may already have.

While some hobbyists may find the pricing a bit intense, it may make more sense if price increases are indeed on the way just like last February. However, high prices like this could just as easily push more hobbyists out the door.

What do you think about the latest pricing from GW for this week’s releases? 

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