Kroot Are Back With a New 40k Army Box & Tau Codex

kroot hunting pack tau empire army set boxTons of new Kroot models are coming for Warhammer 40k, along with a brand new 10th Edition Tau Codex inside their Hunting Pack army box set!

It’s fascinating to learn about the Kroot and their role in the T’au Empire. Although the T’au are known for their ranged combat and advanced technology, the Kroot serve as valuable allies who bring their own unique strengths to the table. It’s exciting to hear that they will receive reinforcements after all these years. We’re curious to see how they will enhance the Greater Good in 10th Edition now!

Games Workshop LVO 2024 Preview & Reveals!

GW preview LVO 2024 2

If you’re attending the event in person, you’ll get your look earlier than everyone else, but don’t worry if you can’t make it – we’ll broadcast the full preview shortly afterwards. Since the event is in the evening in Las Vegas, you’ll be able to catch us here at Warhammer Community or at the Warhammer Twitch channel from 12am EST/5am GMT.

Once again, the LVO preview will be very late/super early in the morning. However, the time works out pretty well for everyone in Australia and Japan!

Tau Kroot Revamped With a Vengeance in 10th Edition & New Codex!

This is what Warhammer TV and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Kroot models and Tau codex, along with our commentary on it as well!

Thanks to last year’s roadmap, we already know Codex: T’au Empire is on its way soon, and it will be available first in the awesome Kroot Hunting Pack army set. The book comes with a fancy full-art cover fit for an Ethereal, but the real stars are the new Kroot miniatures, and wow… there are more than a few.

Tau KrootIt’s been almost 20 years since the Kroot Carnivores have had a new kit (other than the Kill Team box), and these look pretty great with a bunch more options. They also mentioned in the preview that everything we saw today is just about half of what the line will have!

Tau Kroot

The backbone of any Kroot Hunting Pack is composed of Kroot Carnivores, skilled warriors with rustic equipment and brutal countenance. With the new kit, Carnivores have several dynamic poses befitting their natural agility, and they come equipped with a tanglebomb launcher that adds explosive fire support to their Kroot rifle volleys.

New Kroot Characters

Kroot kindreds have a variety of specialized leaders known as Shapers who guide them in battle. The Kroot Hunting Pack offers two new Shapers, starting with the War Shaper, an experienced battlefield commander who takes responsibility for the disposition of all Kroot forces on the field.

Tau KrootWar Shapers are skilled warriors and their basic weapons are highly effective in their experienced hands. Be it the twirling melee prowess of the bladestave and prey-hook, or the ranged power of the dart-bow and tri-blade

Tau KrootAccompanying the War Shaper is the Flesh Shaper, who takes pride in guiding the carnivorous practices of their fellow Kroot and ensuring that only the finest genetic material makes it into their pack’s evolutionary heritage.

Krootox Rampagers & Krootox Rider

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setKrootox are not normally aggressive by nature, but a juvenile Krootox can be roused to battle by a particularly wild rider. Herded into thundering packs of Krootox Rampagers, their raw strength is fully exploited for sudden ambushes and devastating charges. 

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set They will act as linebreakers and skirmish cavalry that range ahead of the wider Hunting Pack. With up to six in each unit, they’re a big pile of melee power to be charging around the battlefield. These will be a great option for Tau, as they can smash enemies off objectives with combat. 

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setThe Krootox, a hulking beast of a subspecies, makes a return as the iconic Kroot weapons platform.  It’s nice to see the more classic Krootox Rider return with another big gun!

New Kroot Hunting Pack Box Set

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setAll of these will be available in a new launch box for Tau, but this is only about half of the new models that the Kroot will be getting!

10th Edition Tau Codex

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set codexThe Kroot Hunting Pack even has its own dedicated Detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire, allowing players to deploy an all-Kroot force complete with thematic Enhancements and Stratagems.

With a variety of new Kroot units, including Kroot Carnivores, War Shapers, and Krootox Rampagers, players will have plenty of options for customizing their armies. The Kroot Hunting Pack army box set also offers a dedicated detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire, making it easier than ever to field an all-Kroot force. It’s been almost two decades since the Kroot Carnivores have had a new kit, and fans of the game are eagerly anticipating the release of these new models.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Are you excited about such a big rework for Kroot and their Hunting Pack Army Box Set for 10th edition 40k?

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