Pay What You Want: Sci-fi Battle Diorama Kickstarter Project!

tablehammer kickstarterNew Hold the Line Battle Diorama Kickstarter offers an incredible sci-fi scene with pay-what-you-want backing options!

A brand new “Hold the Line” sci-fi battle diorama project is now available on Kickstarter, created by the talented team behind Tablehammer. With a pay-what-you-want option starting at just €1, you can get your hands on the full monopose diorama, or upgrade to the complete collection, which includes the diorama and all poseable multipart units involved!

Pay What You Want For Detailed Sci-fi Battle Diorama Kickstarter Project!

"Hold the Line" – 1€ cinematic 3D-printable scifi diorama

"Hold the Line" – 1€ cinematic 3D-printable scifi diorama

“Hold the Line”-scene – pay what u want!

Starting at just 1, you get to pick up the full monopose battle diorama.

PAY WHAT YOU WANT: Get the full monopose diorama starting at only 1€!

The Battle-Diorama

The Battle-Diorama 2

Complete multipart & poseable collection

Starting at €18 you can pick up the complete collection, which includes the diorama and all of the poseable multipart units involved!

Get the “Hold the Line”-monopose diorama PLUS: All the units featured in the “Hold the Line”-diorama (and more!) as multipart poseable miniatures for 3D-printing!

The Complete Collection

The Complete Collection 2

Don’t miss out on this amazing deal! Click the link below to grab your own, and make sure to let us know in the comments if you’re planning to back this project.

Click Here to Grab Your Pay What You Want Diorama!

Are you planning to pick up this awesome diorama deal? 

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