Necrons Slay at 8TC 8-Player Team Tournament: Top 40k Army Lists

Necrons wal hor 2Don’t miss the top army lists from the 8TC Team Tournament; check out the highest-finishing Warhammer 40k armies from the event.

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.

Necrons Slay at 8TC 8-Player Team Tournament: Top 40k Army Lists

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand

We can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves, thanks to Best Coast Pairings. Save $20 by subscribing to BCP for a year by clicking this special promo link.

8TC 8-Player Team top 8Note: Eldar is always showing up in the top 8s so instead we are defaulting to the 2nd place Necrons this time around.

4th Place: Gabriel Nixon – Death Guard

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Gabriel Nixon dg 1


Gabriel Nixon dg 2


Gabriel Nixon dg 3


Gabriel Nixon dg 4

3rd Place: Mike Muzeni – Thousand Sons

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Mike Muzeni 1


Mike Muzeni 2


Mike Muzeni 3


Mike Muzeni 4

2nd Place: Cory Schulz – Necrons

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Cory Schulz necron 1

Cory’s Necrons did super well being led by two C’tans for huge melee threats with good unique abilities to boot and also a Hexmark destroyer for a decent ranged model. Speaking of ranged models, the first other sheets are two units of Deathmarks to help ping off enemy models!

Cory Schulz necron 2The next set of units are three Destroyers for those almighty lethal hits and anti-armor shots. Two Monoliths and a Tessertact Vault add three more huge point sinks for durable large threats to deal damage and soak wounds while (hopefully not getting killed). Lastly, three Tomb Blades bring in some cheaper mobility to help round up the points to a clean 2k.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think of these top Warhammer 40k army lists from the 8TC 8-Player Team Tournament?

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