Unleash Magnetic Trays for Warhammer The Old World Now

30mm Square Squad TraysSquad Marks has a new selection of magnetic movement trays that will fit your Warhammer The Old World armies and keep them secure!

Squad Marks has a catalog of valuable accessories that cover most of your bigger tabletop games. They’ve got you covered, from marking your bases to other game aides. This time around, they’ve got a selection of squad trays to help you make your Warhammer the Old World games go much smoother. Plus even convert over from round bases to square more easily.

30mm Square Squad Trays: $6

30mm Square Squad Trays

Two square movement tray with adhesive metal pads in a 2×5 configuration.

Fits all magnetized bases up to 30x60mm

30mm Square Squad Trays 2

25mm Square Squad Trays: $5.75

25mm Square Squad Trays

Two square movement tray with adhesive metal pads in a 2×5 configuration.

Available in MDF or Clear Acrylic

Fits all magnetized bases up to 25x50mm

Compatable with Adhesive Magnets and Adhesive Metal Pads

25mm Square Squad Trays

Lance Formation Square Squad Trays: $6

Lance Formation Square Squad Trays

Two square movement trays with adhesive metal pads in a Lance and or 4×2 configuration.

Configurations for 6 man lance and additonal 4 man tray.

Available in MDF or Clear Acrylic

Fits all magnetized bases up to 30x60mm

Whether you’re looking for a new epic-scale tray or some other Wargame hobby utility, Squad Marks has got you covered. Be sure to pick up your magnetic Warhammer The Old World base trays to help ease your way back into your favorite fantasy setting!

Click Here to Grab Your Squad Marks Squad Trays!