Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons Battleforce Value Is A Shocker

dread talons battleforce chaos space marines value pricing

Here is the value and contents for the Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons 40k Battleforce, and Lord with Jump Pack, in our costs breakdown.

Two new Battleforces are here for Chaos, one each with a new character. The first will focus on the more combat assault side of things, with the jump-pack lord.  We’ll break down the recent battleforces and compare the prices; that way, we can see how much the new boxes will save you!

Updated November 15th, 2024, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content.

Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons Battleforce Value, Contents, & Pricing

Chaos 40k reveals 4 dread talons battleforceThe new Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons Battleforce went on pre-order May 11th, 2024, followed by a release date of May 25h, 2024! If you’re looking for the pricing and values for the Veterans of The Long War Battleforce that was released at the same time as this one, we have that for you here.

Contents List: Here is a list of what comes in the new Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons Battleforce.

  • 1x New Chaos Lord with Jump Pack
  • 5x Dark Commune
  • 10x Raptors
  • 8x Accursed Cultists
  • 10x Cultists
  • 1x Daemon Prince

Dread Talons Battleforce Review

Chaos cultistsSo, you’re thinking about grabbing the Dread Talons Battleforce?  Obviously, there is only one new miniature inside, but GW really pumped up the value in this box. It has a heavy focus on the cultist side of things, but there are also plenty of Raptors.

While some people might not like the cultists, they have always been good and are integral to most Chaos armies lately. You basically get the Daemon Prince and the Accursed Cultists for free, and it’s hard to pass up this many minis along with a new character inside.

Models Unit Name Value
1 New Jump Pack Lord $40 
10 Raptors $90 ($45 for 5)
5 Dark Commune $58
10 Cultists $52
8 Accursed Cultists $58
1 Daemon Prince $84
Chaos Space Dread Talons
  Total MSRP:  $382
  Savings Versus Box Price: $142

*Note: As of June 2024, the price of this Battleforce will increase to $240, along with the value of the individual kits inside this box set.

Dread Talons Battleforce Warhammer 40k Comparisons

Below, you can see how the new Long War Battleforce compares to older Battleforces, like the Space Marines (which featured 20 models) and the Deathwing Assault releases.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
SM Spearhead Force $230 20 $100
Council of the Death Lord 2022 Battleforce $230 20 $120
Dread Talons Battleforce $240 35 $142
Stompa Boyz Battleforce $210 23 $166

Is This Worth It?

Chaos 40k reveals lord with jump pack

Of course! If you need the miniatures inside, this actually has some great value. While it’s only one new miniature, it can be a great place to start a new army or buff up your existing one.

If you need both Raptors and tons of Cultist stuff, this is the perfect box for you! With $140 of savings inside, this is honestly a great box compared to other Battle Forces like the Custodes, which have only $110 of value.

You basically get a free combat patrol’s worth of models with this box.

How Many Points is the Dread Talons Battleforce Box?

So, you’re wondering how many points the Dread Talons box racks up, eh? Well, in Warhammer 40k 10th edition, this box hits with about 700 points. But, as you know, the tides of the Grimdark universe are ever-shifting, and with the latest points updates, that number could quickly fluctuate.

One minute, you’re ready to destroy the Imperium and the next, you’re recalculating your list because the points gods have decided to have some fun.

Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons Battleforce List Price: $240 CA$295 £140 €180

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Dread Talons Battleforce Contents

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Chaos 
  • Faction: Chaos Space Marines
  • Role: Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 35
  • Release Year: 2024

Buy The Chaos Space Marines Battleforce

Dread Talons Price By Country

Country Price
United States $240
Canada CAD$295
United Kingdom £140
Europe €180

Dread Talons Description

The Dread Talons battleforce is focused on one goal: smashing through enemy lines with a massive horde of jump-pack troops. The new Chaos Lord with Jump Pack leads a wing of 10 Raptors, along with a terrifying Daemon Prince, while 10 Cultists, a unit of Accursed Cultists, and a Dark Commune hold down the fort for their profane masters.

Chaos Lord With Jump Pack

chaos raptor lord weapon options

The Chaos Lord with Jump Pack is depicted in a dynamic pose, either just landing on or jumping off from his unfortunate target. He can be equipped with a power axe or fist, along with a plasma or bolt pistol, providing a balanced loadout for battling all types of enemies.

Daemon Prince

Daemon PrinceOn the battlefield, a Daemon Prince is a formidable force, wielding an array of powerful weapons and abilities. With its monstrous strength, unholy sorcery, and otherworldly skills, it can strike fear into the hearts of its enemies.


CSM Raptors RepackThe Raptors are a group of highly skilled soldiers who consider themselves as the best among the Chaos Space Marines. Their specialized teams embody the current state of the Assault Marines of the Traitor Legions, and they are known for their precision and effectiveness. These will be perfect to pair with the new Jump Lord and rain down the terror!

Chaos Cultists

Chaos CultistsChaos Cultists are ordinary men and women who have fallen prey to the seduction of this power and serve as mortal devotees to these Gods. Despite their lack of proper training and equipment, these fanatics are commanded by mighty heretic warlords and take to the field in large numbers in the form of Cultist Mobs.

They charge headlong into battle with an array of improvised, stolen, and makeshift weapons. They use sheer force of numbers to take down the enemy.

Accursed Cultists

Chaos Space Marines Accursed CultistsAccursed Cultists have been tainted by dark magic, experimentation, or otherworldly forces. Despite their origins, they are used as shock troops during battles and can heal their wounds quickly. In close combat, Mutants use their unique abilities to fend off enemies, while the Torments, who have undergone horrible mutations, lunge with ferocious hunger.

Dark Commune

Dark CommuneDark Communes are secretive places where Chaos Cults gather to plan and carry out their goals. These groups are led by individuals known as Cult Demagogues, who use persuasive language and promises of power to entice new members. The Demagogues are supported by a dedicated group of followers, the Blessed Blades, who protect the Communes from outsiders.

Additionally, the cult includes Iconarchs, who carry symbols believed to have magical properties, and Mindwitches, who possess psychic abilities that come with great personal risk.

What to Buy Next?

Chaos cultistsIt’s hard to say without seeing the new codex, but GW did mention there will be a detachment focused on the Cultists in the new codex. So we would expand that way if you like the idea of non-enhanced warriors. However, this is a decent starting force to go pretty much anyway.

From there, we would pick up some regular Legionnaires to make some Chosen, and you’ll need some tanks or daemon engines, of course! So, if you’re looking for a new army to add to your collection or just want to bolster your existing Chaos Space Marines, be sure to check out the Dread Talons Battleforce!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think of the new Jump Pack Lord model and Chaos Space Marines Dread Talons Battleforce contents and value?