Get The Chaos Lord of Hate Daemon Prince Alternative

Lord of hate ghamakThe new Lord of Hate is a great Daemon Prince alternative for nearly half the price of the one from Games Workshop!

if the new price of the Chaos Daemon Prince has you down, check out this awesome Lord of Hate miniature that is in stock and ready to ship!

Chaos Prince Sized Lord of Hate Multi-part Miniature Kit

lord of hate ghamak all - Copy



ghamak lord of hate painted 1


ghamak lord of hate painted 1


The multipart kit of Ghamak’s Lord of Hate was designed for resin printers scaled down and Daemon Prince-sized. It can be assembled with either axe or fist/talon arms (or a mix of both) and one of two piercing heads!

    • The kit contains a total of 19 parts.
    • This is the “Prince” version that is almost 4″ or 11cm tall (about the same size as the GW Daemon Prince model).
    • Custom Scenic Base Topper is included (not pictured- works for any size base, but we recommend 60mm)

Perfect as a centerpiece for your tabletop army, as a cool display piece on your desk, or even as parts for use in your conversions!

It’s a very cool kit that can be converted up and used for a number of things- all Chaos! The Lord of Hate is about 110 ml of resin and takes roughly 2 Anycubic Photon-sized printing plates about 14 total hours to produce.

If you are after just the .STL files, they are available from Ghamak on MyMiniFactory right now! Painted model by Taras Melnyk for Ghamak.


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