New HCM Space Dwarves Miniatures Make Great 40k Squats


Lead your 40k Squats or Votann army with Hardcore Miniatures’ Space Dwarves Captain and unleash powerful Mortars, which are the perfect Warhammer alternatives!

Alternative Warhammer 40k Space Dwarves Miniatures From Hardcore: Tactical Captains & Explosive Mortars

Hardcore Miniatures Sale

Ready to add some serious firepower to your collection? Hardcore Miniatures just dropped some epic new releases, and they’re packed with all the punch and personality you’d expect from the galaxy’s most fearless warriors: the Space Dwarves! We’re talking about getting your hands on digital sculpts that ooze personality, from battle-hardened Space Dwarves Captains to the explosive might of Mortars, all for a fraction of the price.

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Whether you’re looking to expand your Warhammer 40k Squats or Leagues of Votann army or just want to impress your friends with some top-tier figures, these Space Dwarfs alternatives are where it’s at!  Best of all, these miniatures are available on MMF Tribes, Patreon, or the Hardcore Miniatures website.

Space Dwarves Captain: $8.00

Hardcore Miniatures Sale 4The galaxy is a vast and dangerous place, but when you’ve got a Space Dwarves Captain leading the charge, you’re in for a ride. These stout, fearless leaders are proof that size doesn’t matter when you’re equipped with the right amount of firepower and enough tactical know-how to outsmart opponents twice your height.

Hardcore Miniatures Sale 2His weathered face tells the tale of centuries spent fighting across the stars, but his eyes still gleam with the same determination from his first skirmish. Not to mention that gravity-defying beard! Clearly, centuries of battle haven’t diminished the dwarven flair for impressive facial hair, now infused with cybernetic enhancements because, well, that’s just cool.

Hardcore Miniatures Sale 3But don’t let their stocky appearance fool you. This captain has more battlefield savvy than most commanders will ever dream of. Their size may keep them closer to the ground, but that just means they have a better vantage point for noticing traps, weaknesses in defenses, or perhaps just the best way to deliver a sneaky uppercut with a power hammer.

Mortars: $15.00

Hardcore Miniatures Sale 5Every battle needs a bit of artillery flair, and that’s where the mortars come in. But let’s be clear—these aren’t just any mortars. These are dwarf-engineered pieces of warcraft, meticulously designed to combine destructive capability with just a touch of dwarven showmanship.

Hardcore Miniatures Sale 6Where others might deploy mortars as simple, practical tools of warfare, the Space Dwarves see them as an art form.  These mortars don’t just rain down firepower; they send a message. Their range? Impressive. Their explosive radius? Let’s just say that anyone in the vicinity should probably reconsider their life choices. And, true to dwarven style, the mortars aren’t all about brute force.

They are masterfully calibrated to provide pinpoint accuracy, ensuring that their targets meet an untimely (but spectacular) end. It’s the sort of craftsmanship that makes you wonder if they brew their war machines in the same forges as their legendary ales.

Final Thoughts on the New Space Dwarfs From Hardcore Miniatures

Hardcore Miniatures Sale 7So, whether you’re just setting foot on your first galactic battlefield or you’ve got more victories under your belt than a Space Dwarf has beard rings, these new Hardcore Miniatures releases are ready to shake things up. The Space Dwarves Captain is here to lead the charge with tactical brilliance, while the mortars ensure that anyone on the wrong side of your army has a very bad day. With this much firepower and character packed into pint-sized sculpts, it’s safe to say your battles are about to get a lot more explosive—and a whole lot more fun. Now, go forth and make your enemies rethink their life choices!

These new Hardcore Miniatures Space Dwarves releases are here to show that size isn’t everything—especially when you’re packing high-powered artillery and a beard that could intimidate an asteroid. These pint-sized warriors may be short, but their legacy (and firepower) reaches far across the galaxy.

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