Bretonnia is Back: 3D Printing Army of the Old Age Kickstarter

bretonnia kickstarterLooking to recreate some amazing Bretonnia style minis from the past- then this affordable Army of the Old Age Kickstarter might just be for you!

This new Kickstarter is geared towards all the Fantasy, Kings of War, and 9th Age players out there! If you have a 3d printer, then you can recreate one of the coolest rank and file armies of old, Bretonnia, for pennies on the dollar!

That’s right no more scouring eBay for out of print, high priced Bretonnian minis…

Bretonnia is Back: 3D Printing Army of the Old Age Kickstarter

Army of the Old Age

So far the Tartessos Miniatures project has unlocked the following staples for the army:

  • Infantry Commander: 4 new heads for each infantry squad, 4 different banners. 5 one handed axes, 5 new shields. A new religious pilgrim thematic infantry. It will have customizable arms and heads, and will come with its own set of weapons and shields. (And holy relics!) A new Two handed swords and axe infantry! Equiped with chainmail and  gambeson this infantry will be the elite troops of any army!
  • Knight: 8 new knight´s Great Helms, 6 new shields. 5 special mono-pose thematic torsos for champions. Knight: Horse backpacks with accessories for traveling knights, plus another 5 special mono-pose thematic torsos for a king´s guard. A mounted damisel with it´s own personal 5 squad monopose female guard!
  • Beast Master: 3 new multipiece Demigryph mounts.  3 new multipiece hipogriff mounts. A new lady in a new pegasus, ready to encourage the hearts of her people!

3d Printing Benefits

This is my first release of 28 heroic scale miniatures, a huge project that aims to change the way we have been 3D printing for wargames from now on. 

Army of the Old AgeLike many, I wondered if 3D printers really served to build an entire army, or only served to print monsters, heroes, or figures with strange positions in which supports were avoided, with the added difficulty of unifying all of them into certain proportions. I often came across extraordinary designs, but too different to build a coherent army.


Army of the Old AgeThe second point was the difficulty of customizing the models, one of my favorite parts of the hobby, with the added problem of gluing many of the resin pieces together. Frequently they had been cut after designing them, without any type of connector that would make the work easier, and depending on the size of the piece, forcing it to be drilled to include wire or other hooks. 

Army of the Old AgeI was thinking for a while about how to avoid these problems, and so now I am pleased to present the birth of Tartessos miniatures, with the intention of offering people an entire army, with infantry units, cavalry, and trained creatures to confront and destroy the enemies of Order and Peace. An army designed on the basis of small pieces, of fast printing, which in turn require smaller supports; a highly customizable and expandable army: a system that allows you to prepare archers on horseback, knights on foot, pikemen on griffins… Whatever you want or need!

Start a new army for your favorite tabletop game, with the Bretonnia inspired Army of the Old Age Kickstarter today!

3D Printing Army of the Old Age Kickstarter

What do you think about this army of old? Would you like to see more options for this and other armies from the world that was?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!