Creatures of the Night Alternatives to Cursed City Funded!

Creatures of the NightThe Creatures of the Night Kickstarter has the perfect undead alternatives to the Cursed City expansion and so much more!

If you love all things vampires and undead, then this might just be the perfect project for you! This will be a full STL project, so you do need a printer to take advantage of everything. However, they also have reseller pledges available, so you might be able to score them from somewhere soon!

The project has a ton of stuff, and they are revealing new minis throughout the project, so while we don’t know exactly what everything will look like quite yet, everything is already looking awesome!

At the time of writing this, there are only about ten days to go, so if you want to take advantage of the files, don’t wait around! Let’s take a closer look.

Creatures of the Night Kickstarter is Funded!

Creatures of the Night 2All the minis are super cool and they are all pre-supported which is great! Let’s hear what they have to say about the project:

Creatures of the Night – is a set of nightmarish miniatures that all have their own stories, that you can use in your D&D, Ravenloft, World of Darkness, Games Workshop or any other game, designed by Kyoushuneko, using his talent and experience to bring you a horrible, Grim and Monstruous set.

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By backing this Kickstarter, you will get that INCREDIBLE set of miniatures on 32mm standards!

By the time of the Great Plague, they were the ones in charge: Vampireswerewolvesnecromancers, and more! This set is composed of miniatures that will be the masterpiece of any game. Imagine an awful story of kids eaten, of wives to be sucked out of their blood, of creepy eyes watching you in the night… It’s all here!

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Pledges will be delivered as STL files only that you can print with your personal 3D printers (resin)  .

The miniatures come expertly Presupported and figure evil creatures of different sizes, that can be printed on a normal SLA printer (anycubic photon, elegoo mars 2, phrozen sonic mini…)

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This KS doesn’t come with stretch goals because we do believe that you deserve to get all we thought about at once. But… To keep you pumped, there will be frequent reveals of the last of the inferior creatures 🙂

Creatures of the Night 6That does it for this one; now go get some awesome files!

Click Here to Support the Project!