Faith & Honor Kickstarter Brings the Old World Back In Style

faith and honor heresylab kickstarterHeresylab just launched the Faith and Honor Kickstarter expanding on their highly successful Citizen of the Old World line! Check out these minis! 

The hobby maniacs at Heresylab always deliver and this Kickstarter is no different. The new project focuses on the Old World’s cults of faith and the citizens just trying to make it through. This has a little bit of something for everyone and is perfect for games like IX Age, Frostgrave, Age of Sigmar, and more!

Faith & Honor Kickstarter

faith and honor heresylab kickstarter (2)Whether you like the look of the models for the stalwart Templars of the Flame or the ragtag rabble of citizens, you can find something to sink your teeth into.

Go see what else the crazies at Heresy Labs have up their sleeves! 

Order of the Flaming Lys: 59

Order of the Flaming Lys A unique set of warriors intent to defend the purity of the Flaming Lys, a medieval-like war band composed by nobles and peasants. The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models for members. 

While you’re thinking about it, go check out Heresy Lab’s last Kickstarter.

Templars of the Flame: 59

Templar of the FlameA unique cult, a unique faith merged in a characteristic congregate of female priest warriors. The Templars of the flame will sacrifice their life to defend the purity of the flame from the villains. 

Heresy Labs Kickstarter Add on Citizens: 69

Heresy Lab CitiznesThe citizens will take down an entire army single-handedly! Probably not… but they add so much flavor to any army or collection there’s really no reason to pass them by.

More Add on Citizens: 69

Citizens 2This set is filled with the biggest and baddest dudes, and ladies, from the village. Who doesn’t want a sniper using a hog for cover in their army? Only someone who doesn’t like winning.

This new Kickstarter from Heresylab s is so awesome! Obviously, The models are filled with crazy detail and every piece is loaded with creativity. The more people who sign up for the project, the more free models everyone will receive- so go visit the Kickstarter today!

Heresy Labs Faith & Honor Kickstarter