HeresyLab Witchfire & Sword Kickstarter is Ending Soon

Witchfire & Sword Feature rThe HeresyLab Witchfire and Sword Kickstarter is hitting stretch goals like crazy and only has a few days left to support, check it out!

Many people know by now that HeresyLab has some of the best alternative minis and STL files on the market! This new Kickstarter is no different! We’re not sure they ever sleep with the number of amazing projects they constantly have running. If you want to see some of their previous projects, you can check them out here.

This new project is on another level of awesomeness if we’re being honest. The project is following up on the success of their last fantasy Kickstarter for fantasy minis and continues the line of their Citizens of the Old World. And you can even grab some of the minis from the last project, nothing wrong with that. On top of that, they’re hitting a ton of stretch goals which means even more stuff! Let’s stop talking about it and jump into it.

The New Warbands

Amber HusariaThese are the guys who are protecting the towns! But their work is cut out for them as they have to take down some of the scariest monsters and zombies we’ve seen!

The Ancient OnesThe forces trying to take down the old world! Let’s hear a little from them about them from the storyline for this new project:

Rising from their graves thanks to the mixed efforts of  Hans the Flayer and The Crimson Knight, the spirits of the Ancient Ones spill around the city! The first to come out of its grave is Lord Corbhan The Ironhand, ready to muster and command a horde of shambling zombies that attack the citizens and make them join their ranks! The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models based on stretch goals in order to make a 15 member deal for 59.00€

Citizens 4You need some citizens to actually protect! These are the poor people getting attacked and run down by the new evil arising.


Citizens 3


Warband of the Flame


Templars of the Flame


Witchfire & Sword ad onsYou can add-on all kinds of stuff from their previous Kickstarter to bolster your forces and get everything in one buy.

Pledge Levels:

Pledge levels


Pledge levels 2

Pledge levels 3


Pledge levels 4They have plenty of levels to pledge for! These are just for the STLs, if you want the printed minis, check out the pledges for them below.

Resin Pledges


Resin Pledges 2


Resin Pledges 3Again, plenty of ways to support a really cool project.

Stretch Goals:

They’ve already hit so many stretch goals, so be ready to look at a ton of great add-ons!Heresylab Stretch goals


Heresylab Stretch goals 2


Heresylab Stretch goals 3


Heresylab Stretch goals 4


Heresylab Stretch goals 5


Heresylab Stretch goals 6


Heresylab Stretch goals 7


Heresylab Stretch goals 8They’ve just completely smashed the stretch goals this time, if you wanted more stuff, well, here you go!!

How shipping Works:

Shipping for witchfire and swordObviously, if you’re getting STLs you don’t have to worry about this! But it’s always good to know the shipping upfront.

That does it for this one! Just another great project from a really cool company.

Go Support the Kickstarter Here!

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