Hero Forge New RPG Miniature Releases for July!

Hero-forge-latest-releases monthlyCreate your own excellent miniatures for D&D (or any other role-playing game), and get the latest RPG releases from Hero Forge for July.

If you don’t know what Hero Forge is, it’s a way to build your own 3D miniatures for role-playing games and buy the STL file or a 3d printed version. It’s a fun program, if nothing else, because making your minis in a web browser is fantastic.

There are options for fantasy, sci-fi, western, and everything in between. Lately, they have been coming out with new model releases every week!

Today we’ll look at their latest from this month so far, but keep checking back because they aren’t stopping the new miniature releases from the looks of it!

Gladiator Armor: 7/11/2023

July Hero Forge

Entering a bloodstained arena to the cheers of captivated crowds, the gladiators prepare for combat – a fierce battle where they need all their wits and skill to survive. Grab a sica or spear, collect your armor from the Clothing menu, and prepare to fight!

Backyard BBQ: 7/4/2023

July Hero Forge 2

Get ready to fire up the grill! On a bright summer day, hot dogs and hamburgers sizzling over a charcoal grill provide the perfect centerpiece for a gathering of family and friends. Now, your characters can also celebrate summer with their own backyard BBQ!

Woodland Elves: 7/1/2023

July Hero Forge 3

Wise and worldly, this wily crew wander watchfully through the wilderness. As the wakeful moon waxes and wanes, they walk, unwavering, on a weeks-long, worthy quest to end the wanton destruction by a warmongering Wizard and their wailing Wraiths. Watch out, weary adventurers, but worry not! Woodland Elves have arrived.

Barnyard Birds: 6/27/2023

July Hero Forge 4

There’s no need for philosophical debate – in our case, the egg came first. But now you can enjoy chickens too! Chicks, hens, and roosters round out the latest addition to familiars options. Gather a whole flock and find some new feathered friends in the Species menu!

That does it for this one; if you want to learn more about Hero Forge, check out everything you need to know here!

Click Here to Get Your Hero Forge July RPG Miniatures Releases!

Goobertown Hobbies also did a great review of Hero Forge and how printing them works well, so be sure to check out the video below or click here for the full article!