Late Pledges Open For Lunar Auxilia 3D STL Project!

Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter rThe Lunar Auxilia 3D STL Kickstarter is over, but you can still grab a ton of these amazing files by late pledging – check it out!

If you’ve been looking for a great project to back for Chaos, well, here you go! This is the second project by ThatEvilOne on Kickstarter and it was funded in 6 minutes. But if you missed out on the initial project, fear not! You can still get these awesome files over on MyMiniFactory.

Let’s first look at all the awesome files and then how you can get them.

Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter r

Also, if you want to sell these really cool files, you can back him on Patreon at the Forge Master Tier. So, if you don’t have a printer, you may be able to get these from other retailers soon. Let’s jump into it!

Lunar Auxilia 3D STL Kickstarter

Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter 2

Let’s hear a little from them about the project:

The LUNAR AUXILIA is a Kickstarter representing an oft-overlooked aspect to Science Fantasy settings. Almost universally the forces of evil are depicted as an unruly mob, ill-equipped and without discipline. But why? Why can’t the bad guys not only have solid provisions but also a high degree of training and skill? Enter the Lunar Auxilia.

All the Files you can Get:

Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter 6


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Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter 7


Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter 5


Lunar Auxilia Kickstarter 4Every sculpt I make will be exported as a high fidelity STL file, that you can print at home with either FDM or resin 3D printers. My goal is to provide you the ability to muster a Warband, gang, or army that your friends and local gaming group has never seen before. Something you can truly feel proud of setting on the table or display shelf. The files I’ll provide are for personal use. Sharing Links and STLs is extremely prohibited 

Depending on your pledge point you will be eligible for the Command Elements, the Line Troops, or Motorpool. All models that fall into the Command and Line Elements shall be presupported for ease of printing. Rewards will be Marked appropriately. 

While the Kickstarter is over, there are still three levels of support available.

How to Support:

Lunar auxilia late pledge


Lunar auxilia late pledge 2


Lunar auxilia late pledge 3Whether you just want a few files or all of them, well, you can!

That does it for this one! Now stop reading this and go get some amazing files.

Go Support the Lunar Auxilia 3D STL Late Pledge Here

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