Legions of Ruin: 3D Printable War Machines Kickstarter

By Tim Roberts | March 22nd, 2020 | Categories: 3D Printing, Kickstarter, Warhammer 40k News

The Legions of Ruin KS

Looking for some new hotness for your tabletop games? Check out Legions of Ruin for 3D printable war machines Kickstarter from Aphyrion Miniatures.

Alphyrrion Miniatures is ready to help you fill your tabletop with some great designs that you can print from home. Let’s take a look.

Legions of Ruin: 3D Printable War Machines Kickstarter

The Legions of Ruin KS


legion of ruin ks



The Legions of Ruin KS

This Kickstarter is a great way to acquire some amazing new minis for your next tabletop project. Make sure you visit The Legions of Ruin Kickstarter and secure your pledge today!