Marines, Elves, & Goblins: February Ghamak 3D STL Files

February Ghamak featureGhamak is bringing a ton of amazing 3D STL files for fantasy and sci-fi in February- check out what supporting them on Patreon will score you!

Don’t miss these great files for just $10 a month. You also get a discount if you sub for both the fantasy and sci-fi tiers at his new $17.50 a-month tier!

February Ghamak 3D STL Files: Fantasy

February Ghamak 7


February Ghamak 8


February Ghamak 9


February Ghamak 10


February Ghamak 11


February Ghamak 12

Ghamak: Sci-Fi

February Ghamak


February Ghamak 2


February Ghamak 3


February Ghamak 4


February Ghamak 5


February Ghamak 6

February Ghamak 3D STL Files Welcome Packs:

What it’s in the WELCOME PACK?
Two welcome packs are available, one for the fantasy tier (with fantasy models inside) and another for sci-fi tiers (surprise, with sci-fi models inside).

Circle of evil Welcome Pack new ghamak

Fantasy Welcome Kit

Welcome pack Fighting in the hive city new ghamak

Sci-Fi Welcome Kit

How does it work, and why be part of the community?

  • As soon as your payment is accepted, you will have access to the Welcome Kit and all the Models of the Months links to download.  the “Models of the Month” link will expire on the 30th of every month.  As a Patreon supporter, you’ll have access to a special 20% on Ghamak MMF store
  • You can give me tips and suggestions on the next models.  When the community gets larger we will do Polls for the next month’s models.
  • I’ll share my W.I.P. pictures and ideas and love to involve people in the creation process, also I love the idea to be community-based on miniatures and games.

Backlog Catalogue
All my previous releases are in the MyMinifactory store. As a Patron, you’ll have a special 20% discount until the 15th day of every month. We’ll have a little more highlight on this below! 

Useful links:

  • Facebook Community Group: This is the right place to see Ghamak models printed and painted
  • Facebook: follow me on Facebook, I share pictures of the printed and painted models by the community.
  • MyMiniFactory Store for the previous releases.
  • GHAMAK Personal site for new projects
  • Sketchfab Here you can watch in 3d my models and inspect them from every angle.

Ghamak MMF:

Ghamak mmfEven if you are a Patron (but maybe newer), this is still awesome, as you’ll get big discounts and be able to take advantage of all their previous releases. They have a ton of stuff organized into collections; that way, you can just get everything for a certain faction or month.

Ghamak Etsy Store:

Ghamak Etsy

The Etsy store also has a giant collection of models, that covers so many of the popular armies out there. If you just sat around and looked through the collection, you’ll be surprised by everything on there!

Thanks for your support!


Well, there it is, from the maker himself!  This is a great way to score some amazing minis each month for your tabletop collection. Make sure you visit Ghamak’s Patreon Page and support their great work.

Click Here to Get Your Ghamak Files!


Click Here to Learn 3D Printing for Miniatures!