New Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter: Tartessos Miniatures!

By Travis Pasch | December 9th, 2020 | Categories: 3D Printing, Age of Sigmar, Fantasy, Kickstarter

seige-equipment-KickstarterThis amazing Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter from Tartessos Miniatures is full of so many awesome fantasy files! Check it out.

Who doesn’t love a great Kickstarter? You know we sure do! This Kickstarter is all about running some amazing fantasy sieges and breaking your enemies’ castles down. This is their second Kickstarter so you know they are prepared. It is a large collection of siege machinery from medieval and renaissance warfare! Whether you need catapults, siege towers, cannons, or steam tanks, this is worth a look. 

If you don’t have a 3D printer, worry not, they also have a level of support for commercial use. That means soon you’ll be able to get these printed by some of your favorite companies. Or, if you’ve been looking for some new unique minis to sell, you can grab a bunch with this Kickstarter. If you want to see their previous project, you can check it out here. For now, Let’s take a closer look at this one!

New Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter

Siege KickstarterThere are two sets of miniatures: one medieval and another with gunpowder artillery, which can be purchased separately. Each stretch goal we reach will add a new machine or accessory to each pack.

You can also get both of them with a small discount on the full edition pledge. Also, if you did not purchase our first Kickstarter, now you have the option of purchasing it, together with this second complete project, both packs with a small discount!

Now let’s dive deeper into the actual files.

Battering Ram, Siege Tower & Steam Tank:

Siege Tower 2


Battering ram


Battering ram 2


Steam Tanks


Steam TankNobody likes storming the castle with just ladders! All this siege equipment looks amazing and would make for some insanely fun battles! Grab these files to pump up your chances of success!

Medieval Weaponry:

Catapult 2


Flame Catapult


BalistaWhen you’re properly sieging a city, you need all the equipment you can get! These files look great and we would love to see them on a battlefield. Let’s hear a little more about how the files come:

All miniatures will come with and without supports, intended for resin printers. All objects printed as examples and photographed here are printed with an Anycubic Photon, at 0.05mm layer thickness, with between seven and nine seconds per layer.

Renaissance Weapons:

Small Catapult


Cannon 2




Organ Gun


Volley Gun


Small CannonThere are plenty of options to shell your enemies into submission. When you’re on an elongated siege, you can never have too many guns!


Medieval EngineersNo siege would be complete without the dudes running the whole thing! Now let’s look at all the ways you can pledge.

Pledge Levels:

Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter Pledge Level 1



Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter Pledge Level 2


Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter Pledge Level 3


Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter Pledge Level 4


Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter Pledge Level 5

Any way you want to support, they have you covered! Whether you want all the files, or even to sell the stuff, you can with this Kickstarter!

That does it for this one, but stay tuned as more stretch goals start getting unlocked! This is live now, so be sure to go support it and grab some great files.

Hop on the Siege Equipment STL Kickstarter Here!