The Altirvun Battalion Set Kickstarter Hitting Stretch Goals!

altrivurn KickstarterThe Altirvun Battalion Set Kickstarter is an amazing project full of great Imperial Guard alternative STLs and it’s hitting stretch goals!

If you’ve been looking for some amazing Guard STLs, this is the project to back! They even have a commercial option, so even if you don’t have a printer at home, there still may be a chance you can take advantage of these sweet minis! Plus, this is their second project with similar alternatives, so it’s nice to see them continuing on with the plan.

Lore MiniaturesThe STLs are extremely high-quality and with this set alone, you’ll be able to make a pretty decent force that will stand out on the tabletop or the shelf. They also have a free download so you can test out how they print. It’s always a good sign when a company is willing to let you test them, it means they are super proud of their product. Plus, they are already hitting a ton of stretch goals, so that means more stuff for all of us!

Let’s check out the files!

Altirvun Battalion Set Kickstarter is Hitting Stretch Goals!

Altirvun Kickstarter


Lore Miniatures 6The infantry looks sweet and already has plenty of variety, but they’ll receive way more if we hit the stretch goals. Plus, you’ll get more than just infantry in even the lowest tier. And the best part about STLs? Once you get the files, you can print as much as you want!

The project is live now, so be sure to go back them if you like what you see!  If you love backing really cool projects, make sure you check what else is going on in the rest of the 3D printing world too!

Altirvun Kickstarter 3


Altirvun Kickstarter 4


Altirvun Kickstarter 5If you go back to the higher level, you get a ton of amazing files, including the Ogryn alternatives and the Hurricane gunship!

Free STL

Altirvun Kickstarter 2If you want to see how the minis print out, they have a free download for everyone! Just a cool perk.

Pledge Levels

Altirvun Kickstarter 6This is all in Canadian dollars, so if you’re from the US, it will be even cheaper, and for the price, you get a ton of great files.

Stretch Goals

Considering the project just started, the goals aren’t all hit yet. Still, there are so many more than this, meaning there will be an insane number of models you can get!

If you want to see what the minis look like printed out, check out Rob’s video below.

Stretch goals


Stretch goals


Stretch goalsThey’ve already hit a bunch of goals, but more are super close to being unlocked! So if you like what you see, you’ll be getting even more stuff.

That does it for this one, now stop reading and go support this amazing project!

Click Here to Back the Altirvun Kickstarter!