Wiz-War 3D Printable STL Figures Kickstarter is Live!

Wiz-War KickstarterWiz-War is finally returning to the tabletop with this awesome new 3D printable STL figures Kickstarter- check it out!

This project is not only going to have miniatures but tons of accessories as well, and you can order the physical game with your pledge! These are all focused on the amazing artwork of Phil Foglio, meaning you can print out and bring all of them to life. 

Just keep in mind, this project is almost over! So if you want to take advantage of any of the files, don’t wait around, or you’ll miss out on the project. Let’s take a closer look at the project!

Wiz-War 3D Printable STL Figures Kickstarter is Live!

Here’s what they have to say about the project:

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You can bring Phil Foglio’s incredible illustrations to life by printing your own 3D figures sculpted by Kim Beaton!

Tom Jolly’s Wiz-War has returned to gaming tables! Now you can add a new dimension to your gameplay experience with printable STL files that transform Phil’s beautiful images into 3D works of art.

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Painted Wizard Samples by Ben Williams

Steve Jackson Games has partnered with sculptors Kim Beaton, Matt Evans, and Jean McGuire to create 3D renders that will help bring your Wiz-War game to life.

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  • Matt’s treasure chests will either attach to a peg on the base of the figure or they can accommodate 3mm diameter, 2mm thick magnets that allow you to affix the treasure chests with a satisfying “snick” sound.

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  • Jean’s bases and symbol plates are designed specifically for the wizard figures and treasure chests. Of special note is the base for the purple wizard, which features a stand that allows the figure to levitate above the base.

Pledge Levels

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Two versions of each file for the wizards, bases, and symbol plates

  • One version has been professionally pre-supported by Facz. Simply load the files into your slicer and print.
  • One version is unsupported, allowing you to scale the models up to create display pieces or down to use as TTRPG figures.

Stretch Goals

Wiz-War Kickstarter 8They have already hit a ton of stretch goals, but there are still plenty more to unlock.

Wiz-War Kickstarter 9This is just one of the many goals left they can still hit! So let’s all go support and get more stuff.

Click Here to Support the Wiz-War Kickstarter!