Blood Angels VS Necrons: Battle Report

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When Blood Angels meet Necrons on the table both are headed for some savage combat. Check out the battle report.

Eve, the reigning Nights At The Game Table Champion and Queen of the Necrons, is taking on Node Studios’ D and his battalion of the Sons of Sanguinius Blood Angels. Both of them are racing towards each others’ 3 objectives in an attempt to burn and pillage the land.

D is charging into battle with the leadership of the legendary Commander Dante, and is coming loaded for bear with a Baal Predator Tank and a Stormraven Gunship. This heavy artillery is also backed by 5 Death Company troopers and 4 Sanguinary guards.

Eve’s undefeated Necron Army includes 10 Necron immortals led by a Lady Lord, as well as 3 squads of Tomb Blades, which provide exceptional mobility in an army that isn’t typically known for it. Rounding out this army is two squads of Destroyers, packing all the firepower needed to harass D’s larger vehicles.

The Necrons begin their onslaught by charging the Tomb Blades in nearer to the battle, making use of their maneuverability to quickly get them deep into the action as the Destroyers take aim on D’s vehicles. While these forces were advancing, the Veil of Darkness was used to teleport the Necron infantry to an enemy objective, immediately wiping out their first point.

A withering barrage of fire from the Destroyers proves devastating to the Stormraven, sending the gunship crashing into the ground before it could even fire a single shot. Clearly, The Queen of Necrons is not pulling any punches today.

The Blood Angels are never ones to back down from a fight, as their first turn quickly shows. The Baal Predator Tank rolled into position and, bolstered by Dante’s ability to re-roll ones, began laying down a barrage of firepower across the map.

Despite this, at the end of the Shooting Phase, only one Destroyer had been destroyed. However, during the Close Combat phase, a one-two punch by Dante and the Sanguinary Guard brings down the Destroyer corps.

As Turn 2 rolls around, the Necrons and Blood Angels are poised to engage in some savage combat. However, the next tactical decision they make will decide the fate of the battle. Will D’s Blood Angels usurp the Nights At The Game Table throne, or will the Queen of the Necrons continue her reign? Click below to find out!