The Webway is cracking open and Dark Elder are spilling out! Come see the all the new Drukhari products that make up Games Workshop’s new release lineup for this week.
The Drukhari are back and ready for a fight. Let’s see what the what Games Workshop has in store for this awesome faction in 8th edition Warhammer 40K!
Games Workshop:
Court of the Archon Collection:
Cults of Commorragh Collection:
Codex: Drukhari Collector’s Edition:
Codex: Drukhari:
Datacards: Drukhari:
The Eldar Collection:
Start Collecting! Drukhari:
That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundup, head over to Games Workshop for this awesome new Codex and other great deals for 8th edition Drukhari. Be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.