What Rogal Dorn’s Primarch Stats Could Be in 40k

rogal dorn primarch imperial fists lore

Loyalists are one for two compared to the Traitor Legions and their Primarchs. Question is what would another primarch’s rules be if they appeared in 40k?

Have you ever wondered what some of the other Primarch’s rules might look like if they came back to 40k? We definitely have. And while Guilliman is nice, it would be cool to have another brother show up. So check out what we think Rogal Dorn’s rules would look like if he ever came to 40k.

What Would Rogal Dorn’s Stats Look Like in 8th Edition?

rogal dorn primarch forge world

Robbie G is the Ultramarine’s head Smurf, and you can’t get much more generic (although extremely useful) than rerolls for days. But looking at Rogal Dorn’s stats from the Horus Heresy, where he actually has a model, here’s how we think his rules would look in 8th edition

Like his brother Guilliman’s stat line, Rogal’s would probably be something like this:

M:8″ WS:2+ BS:2+ S:6 T:6 W:9 A:8 Ld:10 Sv: 2+ (3++ Invuln)

Storm’s Teeth: S+1 AP: -3 D:3 Hit rolls of 6 cause two hits instead of 1, wounds of a 6+ are at AP-5, reroll all failed wound rolls for this weapon.

Voice of Terra: This gun is hot garbage in the Horus Heresy but in 40k, it’ll probably just act like a three-shot souped-up bolter: S:5 AP:-1 D:2.

rogal dorn

Rogal would probably sit around the 8-attack range because, in the Horus Heresy, he can make sweep attacks with his chainsword as well as get bonus attacks for charging in and fighting alone against hordes. There would probably be a few more rules in his stat sheet like double the attacks made for a sweep profile. But these would only be something like S6 -2 AP 1 damage.

Fluffy Rules Would Still Be Competitive

Rogal Dorn primarch model

As for his rules, it would only make sense for him to have some kind of “reroll all failed hits for Imperial Fists” rule in place. But for the sake of fluff, we feel like it would also be awesome to see a rule like Master of Defense: units within 6″ of him count as being in cover. In addition, if they are already in cover, add +1 to the save. That would mean that normal Scouts would have a 2+ save in cover and Space Marines would essentially always have a 0+ or 1+.

And because Rogal is THE most loyal of all of the Primarchs and was in charge of bolstering Terra against everything Chaos had to throw at it, a rule called Death to Our False Brothers would essentially give everyone within 12″ of Rogal the ability for an extra shot/attack on a hit of a 6+ against Chaos.

While all of these rules are a mix of hypothetical and wishful thinking, Rogal definitely isn’t dead and could still make a debut in 40k. That being said, we haven’t heard of any rumors about his return so don’t get your hopes too high for anything soon.

What do you think about our rule we’d like to see Rogal get if he came to 8th edition? Would you add or change another rule? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!