3 Forge World Heavy-Weights for 9th Edition 40k

leviathan dreadnought wal horLooking at all the Forge World 40k models, there are a few heavy-weights for the tabletop that are worth a look in 9th Edition.

Forge World has a lot to offer in games like 40k. For the most part, the units are still a little overcosted points-wise and more of a chore to bring. However, there are a few that, combined with 9th Edition’s new rules, are worth a closer look. Let’s jump in.

1. The Leviathan Dreadnought

leviathanStarting with the Leviathan Dreadnought, the only downside to this thing is that it’s a Relic keyworded unit. That means that you have to bring another Heavy Support option with it in the same detachment for it to be a legal list. Other than that, for 300(ish) points, you can get a disgusting killing machine.

With 9th Edition’s blanket rules allowing vehicles to shoot while in combat and ignoring the Heavy rule on weapons, the Leviathan got slingshotted up into an even more potent unit option. Looking at the Leviathan with two storm cannons and heavy flamers, it did go up in point slightly but is definitely still worth the value.

The weakest part about the Leviathan was that those storm cannons are only 24″ range. However, now that Vehicles ignore Heavy, you can add another 8″ of movement to the unit and still hit on 2’s. Plus, if you find yourself in combat, those storm cannons aren’t considered a Blast weapon (which you can’t shoot into combat). As one final cherry on top, you can also give it 2D6 auto hits with heavy flamers mounted in the chest. Overall, the Leviathan is just a wrecking ball and can absorb a ton of hate with it being T8 14W with a 2+/4++ Sv.

Oh and the tables are smaller now too, and this lil’ CHONK loves it.

2. The Telemon Dreadnought

TelemonDreadCaestusArm04Next, we’ve got the Telemon Dreadnought for the Custodes. This doesn’t have the firepower that the Leviathan has, but it’s a toolbox unit for the Custodes. Like the Leviathan, it’s T8 with 14W and a 2+/4++ Sv. It’s also got a 6+++ FNP which is tight too. Where the Telemon really shines, however, is the difference in wargear. The most common weapon that we’ll probably see used is the Illiastus Accelerator Culverin. 5 shots at -3AP and 2 damage could wipe out a small Intercessor squad with the snap of a finger. On that note, the other hot weapon option looks to be a single Caestus for some melee tank-popping. We actually saw a list place 3rd using this exact loadout in a tournament recently.

Now, the fact that anything can be put in reserves with CP in 9th Edition, this mechanic pairs great with the Telemon’s charge Stratagem, Eternal Penitent. For 1CP, you can give the Dreadnought an extra attack reroll the charge roll if needed. It’s an auto-use if you bring any Dreadnought for the Custodes but even more so with a 4-damage fist on the Telemon. At the end of the day, you can have a T8 wrecking ball pop a Primaris squad with one weapon and open up a tank with 5 s16 4-damage punches. POW!

3. Tau’nar Supremacy Suit

Okay ew. This one is really big. The cheapest that you can take a Tau’nar Supremacy Suit is 842pts*. For that amount, you can have 2 fusion eradicators (basically two 5 shot meltas), 4 burst cannons, 4 smart missile systems, and your choice of a pulse ordnance multi-driver or heavy rail cannon as a main weapon.

To put things into perspective here are the details on the main weapons:

  • Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver (concentrated)- 72″ Macro 6 S12 -4AP 4dmg
  • Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver (pattern)- 72″ Macro 2D6 S8 -3AP 3dmg
  • Heavy Rail Cannon- 120″ Macro 1 S18 -5AP 2D6 dmg each wound 6+ is D3 mortal wounds + damage.

Multiple wargear options had their cost dropped to 0pts so you could actually bring one of each variant in a 2k list and probably have enough points left over for a chunky Patrol Detachment. That’s a potential 60 wounds at T8 plus whatever you bring in the Patrol. Oh and let’s not forget that unlike everything else in the Tau army, the Tau’nar hits on 2’s.

taunar update

*UPDATE: Since writing this, we saw WHC change the points so now the unit’s base cost is 1040 pts before any wargear is applied. This crippled any hope of fitting two in a 2,000 pt list. With that said, there still may be a place for a single Taunar in the right combination of Tau units to support it.

These have been three units that you may want to consider throwing in your army if you play these factions. If nothing else, be prepared to potentially see these on the tabletops and time goes on.

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What do you think about these Forge World 40k units in 9th Edition? Have you already seen some lists take advantage of these?

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