9 More Non-Primarch 40k Characters We Need Back in 9th!

By Gothmog | September 3rd, 2020 | Categories: 9th Edition 40k, Editorials, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k News

salamander wal9th Edition 40k is here and can only mean more codex books- so here are the 9 more non-primarch characters we need back!

With 9th edition, there will be a whole new round of codices. Which means an opportunity for more 40k characters to join the fray again. Below I’ve compiled another list of nine more 40k characters from the Lore and previous Codices that currently have no representation in the game. But they definitely deserve some!

9 More Non-Primarch 40k Characters We Need Back in 9th!

Chapter Master Tu’Shan

chapter master tushanWhy are there only Two Salamander characters in the game? There needs to be more so I start at the top. Tu’Shan is respected by all he meets and leads one of the noblest Space Marine Chapters there is. What else really needs to be said.

Angkhor Prok

The infamous Kroot Shaper. It would be great to see Kroot on the table more IMO. They have cool fluff and their primitive avian look is neat alongside the futuristic Tau, really highlighting how the Empire is more of a coalition of races. Giving the Kroot a character again could go a long way to making them playable and interesting. Prok specifically is the one who brokered a deal with the Tau Empire though, so he may be dead at this point. But the idea is to at least get a Kroot character back into the game.

Captain Uriel Ventris

space marine wal urielIf Captain Titus of the Space Marine video game can’t actually exist, this is the closest we will get to him. Roboute has met him and was impressed by him. Have this modern-day Aeonid Thiel offer up some interesting ways for Ultramarines to play on the table. Maybe even make him a dual character profile with Pasanius, his #2, who would be interesting with his Necrontyr right arm.

Doom of Malan’tai/Parasite of Mortex

the parasite of mortexAccording to the 40k fandom wiki, for those of you who don’t know what the Parasite of Mortex is:

The Parasite of Mortrex is a unique Tyranid bioform, the result of a Norn-Queen’s genetic experiments and tests to enhance its broods. Named after its most disturbing ability and the planet where it was first encountered, the Parasite of Mortrex is a bat-winged Tyranid creature evolved from Tyranid Warrior stock.

doom of malantaiAs for the Doom of Malan’tai:

The so-called Doom of Malan’tai was a specially-adapted Tyranid Zoanthrope that had the ability to feed upon the psychic energy and souls of its victims. It played an instrumental role in the destruction of the entire Aeldari population of the Craftworld Malan’tai in the late 41st Millennium.

Probably rename them with more generic names (like all the current bugs: Swarm Lord, Old One Eye, Red Terror, Death Leaper), but successors in Spirit. The psychic phase is a big part of the game, so having a bug that is just an absolute beast in that phase makes sense. As for the Parasite, no better reason than to come out with a winged warrior kit.

Old Zogwort

old zogwortThe greatest Weirdboy to ever live. Seeing as there is no current Weirdboy named character, it might as well be him. No excuse at this point for one of the most psychically attuned races in the lore to not have a special character who excels in the psychic phase of the game. By excel, I mean does completely powerful yet absolutely zany Ork things.

Moriar the Chosen/Cassor the Damned

moriar the chosenMoriar the Chosen

cassor the damnedCassor the Damned- Basically just any two Death Company Dreads with special names.

I list both of these BAMFs, and while for personal reasons I prefer Moriar, I would honestly be happy if they just took a note from BA history and made a Death Company Dreadnought character again. Heck, they could even make him a Redemptor Dread for all I care.

Plus, no list of characters returning would be complete without…


This Slaaneshi Daemon Prince of Metal and Mayhem may have been finally caught by Kor’Sarro Khan, but that does not mean they can’t concoct a scenario in which he is freed and escapes to ride once more through the Warp, all shiny and chrome. Ever a true fan favorite, there is little reason to not make an awesome warp dust-fueled combat monster on a motorcycle fueled by insanity.

And just so you know, yes, he actually existed. Here’s a brief description from the 40k fandom wiki:

Doomrider is a Daemon Prince and one of the strangest servants of the Chaos God Slaanesh. His true identity has been lost to time and all that is known of his past is that he may once have been a Space Marine Biker of the Emperor’s Children Legion, though others claimed he was a Renegade of a different Legion. Having been granted Daemonhood by Slaanesh, Doomrider rode through both the Materium and Immaterium, always in search of new sensations.

What do you think about these picks for 9th Edition 40k characters we need back? Would you like to see some of these guys thrown back onto the 40k tabletops? Is there a chance we could see one or two of these guys soon?

And if you haven’t already, check out Sepulchre of Heroes page for everything hobby related as well.sepulchre of heroes