Daemons & GSC Rise: Top 3 40k Army Lists: Brisbane GT

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horDaemons and GSC rise to the top of the leaderboards at the Brisbane GT as we look at 3 more top 40k Army lists for 9th Edition.

The 40k Brisbane GT took place down in Australia recently and brought in over forty players.  With the 9th Edition meta still settling, here are the three factions that secured some wins to finish the tourney strong.

Daemons & GSC Rise: Top 3 40k Army Lists: Brisbane GT

brisbane 40kThis time around, these lists come to us from Blood of Kittens

3rd Place: Erik Lathouras- Tyranids & GSC Soup

gsc wal 1

erik brisbane 1Holy moly this list is unique. Using the Blood Angels tactic, Erik brought three Broodlords and a Patriarch to act as the Tyranid’s form of a Smash Captain. By spamming over 150 Termagant/Hormagaunt models, he was able to seed them into the ranks and keep them from being shot at while the sheer footprint of that many models held objectives.

Some flamer Acolytes hid until the right time and popped up to obliterate some Screens (or a stubborn unit holding an objective). Finally, some Rock Saw Acolytes were another back pocket unit that could appear pretty much anywhere and devastate armor in melee. A Sanctus with a Bio Dagger relic also hid among the crowd and could put some serious pressure on a basic frontline HQ if he found them.

2nd Place: Hayden Walduck- Imperial Fists

40k kill team elites imperial fist space marine wal hor


hayden imperial fist 1This list is super jumbled and may be a bit hard to read. But essentially, this is just Space Marine good stuff with Imperial Fist spice. A Biker Smash Captain as taken and co-led with a Techmarine in a Spearhead.  For Troops, a couple of Intercessors were taken mainly just to hold objectives. Now let’s get into the real meat and potatoes in the list. Two Auto Cannon Invictors to stand mid-board and pepper elites from far away. A Grav Devastator Squad was also loaded into a Drop Pod and thrown down next to some armor to crush it to pieces.

A Thunderfire Cannon was also used to keep light units off of objectives that were out of sight while Eradicators hunted down any armor that didn’t get focus-fired by the Grav Devastators.

hayden imperial fist 2

To add a little speed to the list, A Stormtalon and Impulsor were also brought. The Impulsor was geared toward Anti-Air but also had the option of bringing units (like Intercessors) up to the front super quick. Overall, solid list.

1st Place: Dan Savage- Chaos Daemons

great unclean one nurgle death guard wal hor


dan savageThree Head Honchos ran this list. A GUO with Bile Blade/Doomsday Bell, a Lord of Change (who had a CP spent to make him exalted), and Horty all had a commanding presence on the table. For Troops, three Nurglings snuck onto the board and secured some early-game objectives while Bloodletters (one with a banner of blood) were used as [CTRL ALT DELETE] buttons against unprotected enemy units. For some staying power, a blob of Plaguebearers also hit the board and denied space/soaked up enemy fire.

Next, this is the part where Horticulous really shines. He was in charge of three Beasts of Nurgle units, giving them a reroll charge/ +1 to hit aura buff. These guys were able to one-shot most Primaris units and were deceptively fast on the board thanks to Horty. RAWR!

Lastly, some Flamers were taken to add a small shooting aspect to the list.

There you have it! Three more exciting 9th Edition lists that are continuing to define the meta!

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What do you think about these lists? Are Beasts of Nurgle one of the best units Nurgle has to offer now? Will Imperial Fists get even better with Heavy Intercessors?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshot

Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.