GW Continues To Update 40k App (still kinda meh)

Angels of death wal space marine horGW just announced the latest update to their troubled Warhammer 40k app, let’s take a look and see what features got better this go around.

Warhammer Community announced that they’ve just done the first round up updates on their 40k app. It was a bit of a rough start for everyone using it when it first released. However, GW has recognized that it had a lot left to be desired and is making strides to correct the issues. Here’s a closer look at what was just fixed.

GW Continues To Update 40k App (still kinda meh)

40k app updateThe first of all the August updates are here and it’s time to take a look at what has changed. Remember, this is the first of many updates so GW has posted this schedule of the time it will take to hammer out all the kinks within the app.

40k app update 2The Core Rules within the app are now fully searchable, so no more swiping around to hunt for things in the middle of your game. We’ve also uploaded all of the latest Warhammer 40,000 FAQs into the app, and these are also fully searchable! You won’t need to search for errata, though, as they’ve been incorporated directly into the affected rules.

These updates are for both the free and subscribers versions of the app, making it an even better tool for all Warhammer 40,000 players. This update also gives non-subscribers a chance to try out the search functionality.

One awesome point to make is that GW streamlined things for free users and subscribers alike. But one thing to note is that it says “Core rules within the app are now fully searchable”.

Core Rules Still Link to Warhammer Community (Not Good For Offline Use)

40k app core rules 1If you click the core rules tab, there’s no search bar and it still links to Warhammer Community’s website where you can scroll through the pages. If you don’t have an internet connection where you play your games, it may be annoying to pull up the webpage of rules.

You Can Search For Core Rules Now

40k app search 4If you want to look up a particular rule or phase, you can type it in the search bar under the Reference tab.

40k app search 3This will pull up the details on what you’re looking for.

40k app searchIf you didn’t already know, you can also lookup particular rules in the search bar of the Reference tab as well. If you need to pick out the exact wording of a Stratagem, for example, you can find it fast. You just have to know what the rule/Stratagem is titled.

The App Still Isn’t Super user-Friendly

40k app update 3One thing that would be nice is if there was a quick reference sheet below the profile of a unit. Some players may not know what Heavy or Blast readily means. Even though it shows up on the profile, people still have to back out and search what those rules entail. Still not entirely user friendly.

While they keep updating the 40k app, from the announcement to the rollout and current functionality, it’s still kinda meh- but it’s not as bad as it was during its initial release.

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