GW July 25th Pre-Order Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

defense-of-ryza-titanicus new releasesThe prices and lineup for what’s going on pre-order July 25th at Games Workshop have been confirmed- don’t miss what’s coming next for Warhammer!

Multiple retailers have already confirmed the pricing and lineup for the next weave of Pre-Orders from Games Workshop. Sit back and take a look at everything that’s in store for us and get an early look at what you want to spend your hobby $$$ on.

The Defence of Ryza (HB) $35

The Defence of RyzaAlongside narrative missions, the book includes rules for four new Titan Legions, four new maniples and six new Knightly Houses. The most exciting feature in the new book is the rules that allow you to create your own Titan Legion! Choose specific wargear, stratagems, and traits, then unleash your Legio in battle. There are also allegiance rules, meaning you can declare any Legio (including your own) to be Loyalist, Traitor or even Blackshield.

Cerastus Knight-Castigators and Acherons $65

Cerastus Knight A new kit will allow you to unleash four of these fast and deadly war machines in your games of Adeptus Titanicus. You can build two Cerastus Knight-Castigators armed with warblades and bolt cannons, and two Cerastus Knight-Acherons equipped with chainfists and flame cannons.

The Cerastus Knights are some of the coolest knight Forge World has to offer to 30k/40k. Now, they’re coming to life in Titanicus shrunk down. This box lets you build four total.

Runelord Brass Spray $30

runelord brass sprayIt’s Runelord Brass in a can, and it’s the perfect way to basecoat Necrons from the Szarekhan Dynasty quickly. In fact, it’s ideal for basecoating ANYTHING that you want to be brass coloured.

Whew. If that price is accurate, those metallic primers GW has have really gone up. However, this may be the quickest way to get your Necrons looking like the ones in the previews.

Webstore Exclusives

The Defence of Ryza Stratagem Cards $15

ryza cardsOf course, landing alongside the Titanicus releases is the usual set of data cards. This set features all the new stratagems in the book that you could need in your games of Titanicus.

Middle Earth SBG Profile Cards (Good, Evil, Dwarves) $27 ea.

thorin profile pack


lotr profile packIf you play an army of Good, an army of Evil or an army of Dwarves, these cards are perfect for keeping track of all of your models’ profiles and any army-wide bonuses. Each pack also includes blank cards so that you can create your own heroes.

Black Library

Profit’s Ruin (PB) $16

profits of ruin black libraryOnly the greedy and the desperate seek out the fabled sky-island of Profit’s Ruin, for no Kharadron vessel has ever escaped its grip… Will Brokrin Ullissonn and the Iron Dragon be the first?

Releases are beginning to roll out pretty strongly since GW’s factories started up and running again. There’s a bunch of exciting things on the way for just about every Warhammer universe.

What will you be grabbing once it drops? Would a $30 can of metallic primer be worth it?

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