GW KILLS Single-File Screens & Announces New 40k Preview

GW not only just revealed how single file screens are changing in Warhammer 40k, but they also just announced a new 40k preview!

Warhammer TV on Twitch dropped some bombs on 9th Edition showing the new rules on unit coherency. Here’s the latest on everything you need to know about placing your units and a new, new 40k preview.

GW KILLS Single-File Screens & Announces New 40k Preview

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9th edition unit coherencyScreens, as we know it, are changing in 9th Edition. The new rules creates a restrictive “bubble” around your units. If you’re running small squads the unit can’t be fanned out as a whole as easy anymore In addition, you have to regain coherency the next time you make a move. Otherwise, the movement cannot be made.

For units of 6+ models, you also have to be in unit coherency with two other models from your own unit. The reason for this change was talked about by the GW team on Twitch. They mentioned how awkward it looked to see a string of single-file Plaguebearers creep across the board and sit on multiple Objectives. Or in another case, a blob of Orks completely link arms around a unit of Lootas. It just looked clunky and form their thinking, they said “nobody would ever do this on a battlefield”.

EDITOR’S NOTE: It appears GW may have meant each model must be with coherency of THREE other models from its own unit otherwise you can still string out a squad and just cap or triangle the end of a line from this wording. However as others have pointed out, morale is checked differently now and may result in heavy losses if spacing is done incorrectly.

screenWith that in mind, screens definitely got knocked down a peg. While it isn’t the death of screens, melee armies SHOULD be able to get into melee with the gooey centers of lists more easily. For armies that do use screens, you’ll have to take more to properly pad your valuable models.

GW’s Saturday Preview Incoming July 4th

9th edition preview saturdayOn top of the new word on unit coherency, GW also mentioned a new 40k preview coming on Saturday, July 4th. Depending on where you are in the world, they’ve listed the time for you to follow. For folks in the US, we’ll have fireworks and new models being talked about on the same day.

With the word on screens and a new preview underway, what are your new collective thoughts on 9th Edition? Will you be dedicating more points to screens or just cutting them out completely and hoping for the best? 

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