GW Previews 40k Rules Changes To Popular Weapons

sister of battle wal hor imageGW just previewed a ton of new rules changes for popular wargear and weapons across all the 40k factions in 9th Edition!

We’ve been seeing datasheet updated for weeks and largely, it’s been inconsistent and full of typos. On that note, however, GW just announced some clear changes that are on the way to weapons in 9th Edition. Jumping into the details from Warhammer Community, here’s what on the way.

GW Previews 40k Rules Changes To Popular Weapons

salamander space marine wal hor


9th edition flamer rules 1


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9th edition flamer rules 4Compiling all of the Flamer-profile weapons, they’re all going to 12″ base. Even Hand Flamers. That’s going to make GSC Acolyte Flamer Squads even more potent.

Melta Weapons Special Ability Changing

melta gun


9th edition melta rules 2

9th edition melta rules 1All Melta weapons have had their special ability to reroll damage within half range to now D6+2. This makes the overall potential damage higher than ever possible, but you could still roll low and do a measly 1+2 damage (minimum 3 within half range). The Multi-Melta in particular had its shot output doubled which is also nice.

Heavy Bolters, Hunter-Killers, & Other Melee Weapons

retributor squad


9th edition heavy bolter rulesThe Heavy Bolter’s new profile has also been officially previewed, although this is one that we’ve known about for a very long time. With their damage output being doubled, Retributors are looking extra spicy.

9th edition hk missile rulesLikewise with the Hunter-Killer missile. It’s been bumped up to S10 which is nice.

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9th edition chainswordAnother weapon we’ve known about for a while is the Astartes Chainsword. Because it’s so massive and being wielded by an armored super soldier, GW decided to tack on -1AP. This is going to be especially brutal in units like Death Company and Assault Intercessors.

9th edition power weapon rulesFor the Power Axe, Power Maul, and Power Sword there’s another +1 Strength tacked on which is going to be insanely useful. Bladeguards. Assault Marines, etc. will be wounding most other ground units on 3’s for example, and Blood Angel variants will be wounding on 2’s!

Perhaps the Biggest Change of All-The Storm Shield



9th edition storm shield rulesThe Storm Shield is getting changed across the board. Ditching the 3++ for a 4++ and +1 Armor Save, it’s debatable on whether this is a nerf or a buff. As Terminators and Custodes will technically have a 1+ Save, they’ll still fail on a natural 1. Plus, the 4++ invuln makes things like Smash Captains so much squishier.

Side note: Custodes have been rolling a bunch of dudes with Storm Shield but that’s because these updates haven’t hit yet. It’ll be interesting to see what Custodes lists run once their shield also goes from a 3+ to a 4++/1+.

We assume all these will take place when the new Space Marine codex releases in just a few weeks from GW’s comments on a previous post:

when Codex: Space Marines arrives in October, every other unit that utilises the same wargear – regardless of Faction – will get their weapon profiles upgraded accordingly.

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What do you think about all of these changes? Are they for the better? Is the Storm Shield update a nerf or a buff?

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