New Indomitus Blood Angels, DA, Iron Hands & Necron Paint Jobs!

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The new units inside the Indomitus Box Set have had multiple paint jobs slapped on for Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Dark Angels, and even Necron Dynasties.

Coming from Warhammer Community supplemented by some commentary of the GW team on Warhammer TV’s Twitch Stream, we’ve got new looks at some alternately-painted Bladeguard Veterans and Necron Warriors.

New Indomitus Blood Angels, DA, Iron Hands & Necron Paint Jobs!

Bladeguard Veterans white


Bladeguard Veteran sprueFirst up, we’ve got the Bladeguard Veterans. We’ve seen the models laid out on-spure earlier. But if you’re tired of looking at the smurf paint scheme, check out what was just previewed.

bladeguard veteran blood angelWe’ve got the Blood Angels rocking their classic red with a crisp white shield. These dudes are going to be the moneymakers in Blood Angels lists. Assuming they get an extra attack from Intercessors (because they’re Veterans), then a normal one of these dudes could get six attacks on the charge when conditions are right (Savage Echoes, Unleash Rage).


bladeguard veteran dark angelDark Angels look sweet as well! They’re probably going to be a vanguard unit for Hellblasters trying to unload all their plasma.


bladeguard veteran iron handFinally, there are Iron Hands. These guys will be exceptionally tanky with the invuln their storm shield offers as well as the 6+++ FNP.

Necron Warriors white


necron warrior sprue

For Necrons, we’ve seen that they’re getting two weapon options. One has more reach and the other has some high-strength/AP shots at a closer range.

necron warrior gauss reaperBut now, they’re getting some all-new makeovers!

necron warrior sautekhWarriors have been reworked with much more battle damage than before. Plus, look! No more green plastic rods! This two-barreled weapon is the Gauss Reaper profile.

necron warrior tsarakuraOne of the new Dynasties, the Tsarakura are rocking blue armor with a pale white skull paint scheme.


necron warrior zathanorFinally, we’ve got the Zathanor, which is another new Dynasty, using purple and blue secondary colors.

Warriors might have looked rank-and-file before, but now they’re about to step onto the table in a way more detailed form.  Now that we’ve gotten a closer look at some different paint schemes on the new units, you may want to also look at the projected price cost for the Indomitus Box Set! 


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What do you think about the new Warrior paint schemes? What new rules would you like to see these Dynasties get? How will you be painting your Bladeguard Veterans?

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