GW Updates Power Level of 40k Units In New FAQs

new in the faq gw wal horAs 9th Edition has had time to settle into the community, Games Workshop went ahead and made another round of FAQs updating Power Level on units.

Warhammer Community announced that Power Level on units across all factions have been tweaked in the latest round of FAQs. We’ll be going over the highlights but be sure to check out the details for your army when you’ve got the time.

GW Updates Power Level of Units In New Wave of FAQs

sister of battle wal hor imageIf you play Matched Play games you probably don’t ever pay attention to Power Level beyond seeing how much units cost to put into Strategic Reserves. Well, because Strategic Reserves now apply to every faction and the new Crusade game mode operates heavily on Power Level, GW made another round of updates tweaking different units. Some cost a few more while others, less.

Daemon players will love that it looks like summoning will get easier now too!

Because of changes to the core engine of the Warhammer 40,000 game, some units are now relatively much better than they used to be, and so have had their Power Rating increased. Others have had their Power lowered so you can take more of them in your army.

Of course, one of the main uses for Power Ratings in the new Warhammer 40,000 is building a Crusade army – an ever-growing, ever-evolving narrative force that you can use in thrilling campaigns! Crusade already provides you with an incredible narrative experience, with additional Relics, Character development and more – now, with Power Ratings updated, you can ensure it’s a fair and balanced way to battle, too.

power level update 2When you open up the page, you’ll see a massive list of new sheets showing the updated Power Levels on units for all factions. It’ll take some time to check out everything that went up/down in your army. Your best bet is to plug in your 2,000 pt list and start scrolling through each unit and comparing them to the chart.

power level update 1In the case of the Imperial Knights, the adjustments that were made were literally as little as +1 Power Level for units like the Crusader and Valiant.


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Updates Are Coming to the 40k App

40k app update 4These updates will be available to download online, and we’ll be automatically adding them to the Warhammer 40,000 app – if you have an Android device, these updates should be available now and they’ll be showing up for iOS devices over the next day or so.

If you’ve got the 40k app and use an Android, you can view the Power Level changes now, according to WHC. But if you’re using an iPhone you’ll have to wait a bit. You can always just make note of the updates manually online though!

What do you think about the Power Level updates? Have any of your units gotten more CP costly to put into Strategic Reserves?

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