Look Out For These 9th Edition 40k Movement Rules

9th-edition-40k-movement-rules9th Edition 40k is coming and it’s time for us to take a look at some major changes to each phase starting with the movement rules!

Going off of the free rules download by Warhammer Community there have been minor tweaks in areas that have a major impact in-game. Let’s jump into the Movement Phase.

Look Out For These 9th Edition 40k Movement Rules

death company walWe won’t be going through every detail of the Movement phase as largely, it’s unchanged from 8th. You still:

  • Select one unit to move at a time.
  • You must stay within coherency at the end of the Move.
  • You’ve got to finish moving all of the models in a unit before moving onto another unit.
  • Units can only move up to “M” which is on your Datasheet. If you do any kind of weird pivots and turns on your vehicles and your hull ends up closer than what your datasheet says you can move, you have to bring it back a bit.

Some of the major changes start with falling back.

9th edition fall backAs always, you can never advance when you fall back and you can’t charge in the same turn where you fell back. However, tightening things down a bit more, you also can’t cast Psychic Powers after falling back unless you’re a big ol’ mondo unit. That’s a big nerf to Psyker heavy lists like Thousand Sons.

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In addition, Flying units that fall back can’t shoot. That means Tyranid players with their twin Devourer Hive Tyrants might play a bit more gingerly in the future.

9th edition reinforcementsOne small note to make on reinforcements is that it’s no longer at the end of the Movement Phase. While they do come in at the tail-end of the Movement Phase, by the way it’s worded, it seems like Stratagems that you can use in the Movement Phase are usable on units that just arrived.

Simply because it’s not “At the end” of the Movement Phase like 8th Edition. Rather, you set them up, and then the Movement Phase ends. Hopefully, that’s not confusing.

Finally, things terrain less than 1″ high can be moved over like normal. However, anything more than that and you’ll have to either go around or climb up and down. FLY keyword units seem to have not just the bonus of moving over models (but still can’t end their movement on top of another model), but also ignoring vertical distances altogether.

In short, here are the changes:

  • Units that fly can’t fall back and shoot.
  • Units can’t fall back and cast Psychic Powers in the same turn.
  • Terrain over 1″ tall can’t be ignored.
  • Reinforcements now come in during the last part of the Movement Phase, not at the end. 



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With all of this on the table for the Movement Phase in 9th Edition, what are your thoughts? Has the Movement Phase just gotten a lot more tricky? Have Flyer and Psyker heavy lists gotten nerfed?

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