More Rules To Know: 9th Edition 40k Strategic Reserves

40k reserve rules 9th edition newStrategic Reserves are getting some heavy changes in 9th Edition 40k, so check out this rules breakdown and jump ahead of everyone else once 9th drops.

We’ve seen details on 9th Editions phases and other rules revealed in spurts across the web for the past couple of weeks. This time, we’ll be looking at the Strategic Reserves, read carefully over all the details that have to do with bringing your units onto the board at different stages of the game.

More Rules To Know: 9th Edition 40k Strategic Reserves

Terminator DeathwingThese are all the sheets that were spotted on Imgur and it’s a lot to read. We’ll be pulling out the highlights for you but if you want to know more, we’ve got everything here for you.

9th edition strategic reserves 1

  • You have to dedicate which units are going into Strategic Reserves BEFORE the battle. That means you can’t piecemeal your units into deepstrike during deployment.
  • Anything can go into Strategic Reserves- things with a Deepstrike mechanic you do not have to pay CP for
  • You pay CP for the total PL of units going into Strategic Reserves (even for units embarked in Transports). 
  • They can’t come in during the first Battle Round.
  • Strategic Reserves come in at their own step DURING the Movement Phase, which makes them allowable targets for Stratagems used during that phase. 
  • You still have to come in over 9″ away.

9th edition strategic reserves 2We know Power Level has historically been bonkers out of wack. For example, a squad of ten T4 Grey Knight Paladins with S4 weapons is PL 32 (although, they do have their own Deepstrike mechanic…this is just an example of crazy PL variations). Meanwhile, a T8 Knight with S6+ firepower is PL 25 (ish). However, in GW’s wisdom, they’re going off of PL to determine the amount of CP required to deepstrike units. It starts at 1CP and goes all the way up to 5+.

You also have to have a Battle-Forge army to be able to bring anything in from Strategic Reserves. But given the overall theme of games these days that shouldn’t ever be a problem.

Important note: Stay away from your opponent’s battlefield edge if you’re in their deployment. Strategic Reserve units can come in within Engagement range (1″) if you push too hard.

Options Open Up As the Game Goes On

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Check out this bulleted list. As the game goes on, you’ve got more options on where to bring your units in.

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Aircraft Has Their Own Strategic Reserve Rules


9th edition strategic reserves 3 

9th edition strategic reserves 4

  • For Aircraft, whenever they come in, they ignore the 6″ Battlefield edge restriction and can drop in 9″ away from enemy units anywhere on the board.
  • Once it moves off the battlefield, it goes into Strategic Reserves (no longer destroyed)
  • If your Aircraft can’t make its minimum move it just pulls up above the combat and goes into Strategic Reserves.
  • Aircraft that go into Strategic Reserves can be redeployed next turn.

That was a lot to cover but hopefully, this has highlighted some key changes that you need to remember before your first game of 9th Edition.

What’s your opinion on the reworked of Strategic Reserves? Is it all balanced out since just about anything can go into reserves but has to almost always come within 6″ of a battlefield edge as well as at the cost of CP? 

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