Necromunda Is Just a Better Version of 40k Crusade

enforcer wall hor necromundaYou might be excited about the fluffy skirmishes you can have in the 40k Crusade system, but Necromunda has been doing that for years.

So a big selling point on the 9th Edition 40k core book was the Crusade system. This is basically a new format of playing where the games are very small. Where you continue to build up your force/take lasting damage on your troops as games go on. Well, Necromunda has been doing that for years and maybe it’s time you give this ol’ specialist game a try!

Necromunda Does What 40k Crusade Does But Better

necromunda cawdorIf you start a Necromunda campaign (which is very similar to the way Crusade starts) you’ll have limited resources to spend on units for your gang. You can hire some experienced Gangers as well as some newbies called Juves. They’re pretty much just a warm body that can pull a trigger. But it pays to have some presence on the board even if they’re hitting on 5’s.

OrlockAs your games go on, the fighters that take damage in your games will have to be set aside and rolled for on a table (similar to Crusade once again). These injuries could range from a black eye all the way to dying. There is a chance that an Underhive “doctor” (heavy quotations there) can bring them back. Usually, that “doctor” is just an experienced druggie.

bounty hunterOne of the coolest aspects of the game is that, if you’ve got the credits to spare, you can hire some Bounty Hunters to help you do the dirty work. All of these models are incredible. The dude above is a Khorne-worshipping Underhive butcher called the Eightfold Harvest Lord that hires himself out to gangs that pay high enough.

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Where Necromunda & Crusade Really Differ is Wargear

99120599005_OrlockGang01You’ve got to remember that the fighters inside Necromunda don’t have any state-of-the-art wargear (except for maybe Enforcers). For the most part, these guys are all using S3 autoguns or literally blunderbusses that they managed to scrape together.

The Orlocks even have a harpoon gun that literally impales people and pulls them closer. That’s grimdark.

A majority of the gangs also don’t have any prior military experience (except for a few Bounty Hunters) which means that their WS and BS are questionable. However, everyone else is like that so the playing field is pretty much even.

At the end of the day, there are different strokes for different folks, but if you want to take a deeper dive into the Crusade-style gaming, Necromunda might be exactly what you’ve been looking for. Take some time and do research on a gang that fits you. Another added bonus is that Necromunda is dirt cheap compared to what GW requires for people to play a full-sized 40k game!

What do you think about Necromunda? Is it just a more fleshed-out version of Crusade? 

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