New Forge World Best Sellers List For 9th Edition 40k

top sellers forge world Check out what all sorts of players are buying up on the Forge World webstore with the new 9th Edition Warhammer 40k Best Sellers list!

Forge World’s best sellers tab has been updated and it’s time to take a look at each listing that players are buying up. Here’s a closer look at the most popular items on the Forge World webstore for the new edition.

Astraeus Super-Heavy Tank $355

AstraeusSuperheavyTank01The Astraeus is probably at the top of the best-sellers list because of all the multi-wound units that are making their way into 9th Edition. This thing can sling shots that hit about like a thunder hammer and even come with void shields. what’s not to love about it?

Knight Porphyrion $535

ACASTUS KNIGHT PORPHYRIONThe Knight Porphyrion is an interesting choice to see. With the new Forge World points adjusted, the Porphyrion may be a hot pick for some lists out there. Coming loaded to the gills with anti-armor firepower, it’s definitely a hard counter to mechanized lists.

MKIC Deimos Pattern Rhino $66

DeimosPatternRhino01The Deimos Rhino is a classic transport option for armies in the Horus Heresy. No real surprise to see a staple unit as a best seller.

Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan $440

hierophant 1The Hierophant is a Tyranid Lord of War that turns heads on the tabletop. Look at how big this thing is.

Death Korps of Krieg Infantry Squad $72

death korps of kriegThe Death Korps of Krieg is a timeless 40k Guard Regiment that laughs in the face of death. However, being one of the newest listings to make it to the bestsellers listing, people may have decided to splurge and go all-in on Krieg.

Armiger Moirax W/ Lightning Locks $58

moirax armigerThe Armiger Moirax with Lightning Locks is one of the most popular Armiger variants out there. It comes with a ton of S6 shots that explode on 6’s to hit. Perfect for clearing screens.

Leviathan Storm Cannon $22

LeviathanPatternStormCannonThe Leviathan got a massive buff in 9th Edition now that vehicles can shoot while in melee range of another unit as well as ignoring heavy. This dude can walk onto the table and pump out up to twenty S7 shots hitting on 2’s. Yeah, storm cannons are a great choice.

Warlord Titan Builder $$$ Varies

warlord builderThe price on this one varies but the fact that this listing is temporarily out of stock should stand as a testament to how popular this is. The Warlord Titan is the be all end all mack daddy model for the Imperium.

Fire Raptor Gunship $175

FireRaptorThe Fire Raptor is the dakka boat for the Imperium/Chaos. In 9th, now that Aircraft can pretty much do whatever they want it’s no surprise to see this as a best seller.

Legion Fellblade $290

The Fellblade is one of the bigger tanks available to Marines in both the Horus Heresy and 40k. However, this is literally a rolling tank killer loaded to the brim with high strength, high AP firepower. An awesome choice to melt armor.

Custodes Venatari $66

venatariThe Venatari for the Custodes are a newer unit that adds a lot of mobility and reach to the force. Being the first jump pack Custodes ever, it’s easy to believe why a bunch of Custodes players out there would want a few of these.

Whew, that was a lot! Comparing these best sellers to the last time we covered it, the Death Korps of Krieg are the only ones that remained the same!

What do you think about these forge World best sellers? Have you already gotten any of these for yourself?

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