Here are the rules for the new 9th Edition 40k rules for the Primaris Space Marine units coming in the Indomitus Box Set!
Spotted online, one hobbyist already has the book and laid out the rules on the new units from the Indomitus Box Set. Let’s get down and dirty with this.
New Primaris 40k Indomitus Box Set Rules SPOTTED!
Whoever posted these stats it looks like they have the book, and while it’s not an official preview, this all seems pretty trustworthy. Mostly…
Assault Intercessors & Outriders
The big takeaway is that the Assault Intercessors are a TROOP choice (Blood Angel cheering noises), and their chainswords have -1AP.
The Outriders (dudes on Bikes) are going to be able to move up to 20″ a turn in a pinch. For wargear, they’ve got Rapid-fire 2 Bolters with that signature Primaris -1 AP as well as the ability to gain +2 attacks when they charge.
Indomitus Characters
For the Primaris Captian, his shield isn’t a traditional stormshield. The shield is going to give him +1 to his armor save and a 4+++ FNP vs. Mortal Wounds specifically. In addition, he’ll have a 4++ invuln from the Iron halo.
The Judiciar is just a beatstick that can do two damage per swing, can make an enemy unit fight last within 6″, and comes with a 4++ invuln in melee (which is where he should be). Overall, he seems like the Imperium’s version of a Master of Executions.
Bladeguard Units
For the Bladeguard Vets, they’re also coming with a shield but it’s not the usual 3++ invuln like we were expecting. They’ll have a 4++ invuln and a 2+ armor save.
Finally, the Bladeguard Ancient is going to be your standard ancient holder with a neat rule to help his Bladeguard buddies hit better. if they’re within 6″ of him, they’ll be normally hitting on a 2+.
Overall, the biggest changes that were made has to be to the Stormshield. A unit of two-wound super-soldiers with a 3++ invuln might have been too powerful in the eyes of GW. To pull things back a bit, shields are looking to give +1 armor save and a max of a 4++ invuln now. Another sweet mention is that those Assault Intercessors are Troops, meaning if you’re running a melee-centric Chapter, you’ve actually got a solid Infantry choice to double down on, bonus!
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With all of this now making rounds across the web, what are your thoughts on the units inside the Indomitus Box Set? Are things looking even better than you expected? What’s your favorite unit so far?
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