Plasma Might Be The Most Inefficient Weapon in 40k Now…


marine plasmaLooks like Plasma weapons, in general, may be easily the most inefficient weapons in 9th Edition 40k soon, look at this pattern…

So plasma has been a hugely popular weapon in 8th Edition 40k. But as we’re seeing more updated datasheets for 9th Edition, it looks like plasma’s usefulness may be getting severely cut. Sure, things are bound to change as we don’t have the full picture yet. But going off of what we know, plasma isn’t looking so hot (pun intended).

Plasma Might Be The Most Inefficient Weapon in 40k Now…



hellblaster updated datasheet

A prime example is the Hellblaster datasheet. If you look at the different weapon options lists, they all use the non-overcharged profile. While the Heavy Plasma Incinerator is getting buffed two 2-dmg on its regular profile, the other weapons only do a single point of damage.

So how is plasma getting worse?

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vanguard veteran squad datasheet updateFor starters, all firstborn Marines are going up a wound, putting them on par with Primaris.

terminator datasheet updatesEven Terminators are going up to a whopping three wounds.

Putting all of this together, it means players running plasma will need to overcharge their gun to drop even the most basic troop that the Imperium has to offer. They’ll even have to dedicate two overcharged shots at a single Terminator to kill one. Plus, we all know the risk that comes from shooting an overcharged weapon…rolling a 1 means you’ve got a slain model on your hands.

Overall, GW may have just inadvertently made plasma one of the most inefficient weapons in the game. If anybody wants to kill an enemy unit that is considered totally basic by the Imperium’s standards, they’ll have to run the risk of killing themselves.

plasma overheatPrimaris Marine is maimed from shooting plasma at a firstborn m.41 colorized.

How do you think Plasma weapons will make out with all the coming updates?

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