Space Marine Forge World 40k Points Changes SPOTTED

legion glaive space marines forge world.jpgSpace Marine Forge World units are getting points changes in 9th Edition in 40k, so be sure to read over the list of Astartes adjustments.

Spotted on Imgur, we’ve got pics of the Space Marine Forge World unit points changes. We’ll be going over the details and highlights but if you’ve got a bunch of resin models in your hobby armory, take your time and check out just how much your units have gone up/down.

forge world astartes points 3We’ve zoomed in on the points to make them easier to read. As you go through the units, check for the asterisk by the roster. This will let you know if the wargear is calculated into the unit’s cost.

Space Marine Forge World 40k Points Changes SPOTTED

forge world astartes points 1Named Forge World characters have all of their wargear calculated so what you see by their name is all you’ll have to pay.

forge world astartes points 2Looking at just two examples out of this list, the Leviathan’s base cost went up a bit. However, because vehicles now ignore Heavy, can shoot in combat, and be put into reserves, that point jump is may be completely justified.

For the Relic Falchion tank, we could all pretty much agree that it was bonkers expensive in 8th Edition costing over 1,000 pts. It did go down slightly in 9th Edition (about 50 pts) but we’re not sure if that’ll be enough to make it playable in some 2,000 pt games.


We’ve also pulled out the wargear for you below so you can add up the wargear that you gave your models:

forge world astartes points 4


forge world astartes points 5Overall, the Forge World adjustments look to be on par with all of the other changes not from Forge World. As 9th Edition kicks off, it’ll be a fresh meta and we may be seeing quite a few Forge World units hit the tables at first.  This adjustment was one that we’ve needed for quite a long time and it’s finally here at the beginning of a 40k restart!

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What do you think about these adjustments? Has your list gotten more expensive or actually cheaper?

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