Tau & GSC 9th Edition 40k Points Changes

Tau Sept wal horFrom wargear to unit options, check out what’s gone up and down for the Tau and Genestealer cults when it comes to 9th Edition 40k points changes. 

Leaks have been spotted popping up all over Reddit from different sources. Using War of Sigmar’s point break down, here’s the list of the base unit cost for Tau and GSC. Let’s jump right in.

Remember: These are just the base unit costs. Depending on what wargear you’ve given your models, you’ll have to check out some of the more in-depth changes for yourself.

Tau Points Changes

stormsurge hor tau wal


9th edition tau points 1Following a solid pattern we’re beginning to see, units that have solid mobility have gone up quite a bit in points. For example, the Coldstar Suit has gone up +20 pts without wargear.

Now, look at the Riptide….More like RIPtide. The unit has gone up a whopping +65 pts.

tau weapons 2On that note, it also appears that the HBC and Ion Accelerator have both gone down -35 pts each, which isn’t super bad. However, Riptide spam lists will definitely be more tightly packed and may not be able to bring as many Drones.

9th edition tau points 2Some other big changes to note out of this list is that Shield Drones (aka the most popular Drone currently) have gone up +3 pts a pop. As for other unconventional unit options, the Eight and Stormsurge have gone up +130 and 120 pts respectively.

tau weapons 1On that note, both of the main weapon options for the Stormsurge have also gone down by -20 pts so it’s not as much of a crazy points jump as it seems. But still, quite a hike for a unit not seen too often.

Be sure to look over the selections more yourself. Now, we’re going to move onto the GSC.

Genestealer Cults Points Changes

gsc wal 1


9th edition gsc points 1Moving into the Genestealer Cults, it looks like everything except for three units has gone up. While these points changes don’t look huge, you have to remember that the Cults are a horde army so +2 pts per model (in a squad of twenty) is a big deal.

Some of the units that were hit pretty hard are the Aberrants and Purestrain Genestealers.

9th edition gsc points 2We’re hoping that with the sheer mobility and CP efficiency GSC has to their faction, it’ll still keep them competitive. Despite being largely more expensive now.

9th edition gsc points 3 weaponsThe silver lining is that while almost every unit has gone up, the weapons remain largely unchanged. That can be a blessing or a curse depending on what kind of list you’re running though honestly.

With all of this covered, the Tau and GSC haven’t been spared from GW’s nerf hammer. On the bright side, almost everybody is getting hit with it pretty hard. We’ll really see the hands that have been dealt to factions once we see 9th Edition games commencing.

What do you think about the Tau’s points adjustments? Did GSC get hid harder?


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