The 9th Edition 40k Terrain Rules You Have To Know

9th-edition-terrain-rules-40kWe know that terrain is about to become way more interactive in 9th Edition 40k so we broke down all the new rules that you need to know! Check them out!

Over the past few weeks, GW has previewed snippets of different terrain rules in store for 9th Edition. However, a massive rules dump has also emerged from the web showing the full page of terrain details on Imgur.

9th Edition 40k Terrain Rules You Have To Know

iron warrior print

Starting with the terrain feature rules that have officially been previewed for 9th, we’ve got:

9th edition defensible terrainDefensible Cover is exactly what it sounds like. Whatever unit is inside the terrain piece, you’ll have the choice of overwatching better or smacking better in melee. It comes down to what unit is inside the terrain piece as well as what kind of position they’re in.

9th edition dense coverDense Cover is classified as something that is at least 3″ high. But remember, it comes down to you and your opponent when deciding terrain rules. With that said, this is a terrain feature that helps obscure the units that are closeby. If you do get the bonus, this terrain piece will make benefiting units -1 to hit.

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Now for the terrain that hasn’t been officially mentioned.

9th edition terrain hillsHills are the same as they’ve always been. No real bonuses except for a potentially better angle on the enemy units if you’re elevated a bit more. No cover bonuses are given.

9th edition cover rules


9th edition terrain light and heavy coverThis one is blurry but Light Cover gives +1 to saves against ranged weapons ONLY. On the other hand, Heavy Cover gives +1 to saves against melee weapons ONLY unless a model made a charge move that turn. Overall, Light Cover sounds better than Heavy cover oddly enough.

9th edition obscuring

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9th edition terrain obscuringObscuring terrain can only be given to the feature if it’s at least 5″ tall. This blocks LOS between units unless a unit is standing within the terrain or is Aircraft with 18+ Wounds.

9th edition terrain obstaclesObstacles are going to be a thing as well. If you move over an Obstacle, you don’t have to worry bout subtracting anything from your Movement. However, Infantry, Beasts, or Swarms standing within 3″ of an Obstacle and the Obstacle is between them and the firing enemy unit, they get cover (a 1mm line can’t be drawn to all of the model’s base).

9th edition terrain scaleable and inspiringUnits climbing things is going to be a conditional rule now. Infantry, Beasts, Swarm, and Fly units can go up and down scaleable terrain. That means Rhinos and Predators can’t scale up the side of a building and sit on the roof. In addition, because Infantry, Beasts, and Swarm units are so nimble, they can freely move through the terrain.

Also, note that fly can be set up here,

For Inspiring Terrain, this is probably the least impactful only giving +1 Leadership within 6″. Statues would be a great target for the Inspiring rule.

9th edition terrain unstable and exposed positionWe have Unstable Position which would be something like a small tower spire or a spiked roof. This is terrain that might have slid as a part of the “Wobbly model” rule back in the day. However, now, you can elect some pieces of terrain that you just can’t end your movement on. Period.

Finally, Exposed Position is still a terrain feature, but like a Hill, doesn’t give any benefit of cover. This is something like a single could of barbed wire on the map. Or maybe just some broken down steel beams laying in a street.

Terrain Looks to be Getting Keywords on their Profile

9th edition ruinsStu Black on a Warhammer TV Stream a while back mentioned there being different Categories of terrain which will have a table in the book of recommended traits to use for fair games. We can see how it’ll be laid out for things like Ruins and Armored Containers. Going back to the days of 7th Edition, there are going to be a few keywords we just have to know.

9th edition terrain breachableOne of the Area Terrain rules is going to be Breachable Terrain. This works exactly how it sounds. It may be a piece of terrain that blocks fire. However, Infantry, Beasts, and Swarms can move through it by “breaching”. Note, the terrain piece has to have the Breachable keyword or else you can’t go through it. Currently, in the ITC format, any Infantry/Swarm can move through the bottom floor of terrain with no problem.

9th edition terrain defence lineAnother new terrain mechanic on the way is going to be a Defence line. This is probably going to be put on low-lying walls in-game. Essentially, you are able to charge a unit behind the terrain piece and still get to attack while being 2″ away (which is outside of the normal 1″ Engagement Range”. Think of it as having your units reaching over the wall to smack the enemy.

9th edition terrain difficult groundDifficult Ground is a terrain feature that probably has to do with barbed wire, fallen bricks, swamps, etc. Basically things that don’t stop movement, but heavily impede it. You’ll have to subtract 2″ from any kind of movement unless your units has the FLY keyword.

40k 9th Edition terrain rulesThis handy flow chart for Terrain rules in 9th edition 40k has been floating around the nets this week too. It’s worth a look and maybe a print out for sure!

There is actually a surprising bit of terrain rules details in store for 9th Edition. But with that said, all of the rules are fairly straight forward and shouldn’t make the game too overly complex. We may be seeing terrain dice in the future (similar to AoS’s terrain dice) to help players keep track of the different terrain rules in-game.


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What do you think about the depth of different terrain in 9th Edition? Could we see Tournaments make things simple and only heavily use three types of terrain features?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.