These are the Easiest Secondaries to Score: 9th Edition 40k

question chaos marine hor walThese are the easiest secondaries (or secondary objectives) to score in 9th edition Warhammer 40k tournaments right now.

Have you been looking at your army and sizing it up to what would be some of the best secondary objectives to choose from? Well, we will be taking a look at some of the all-around more “easy” objectives to bring. Of course, some of it depends on the kind of army you’re running so there will be a few exceptions. But with all of this in mind let’s jump in.

Remember, when you select a secondary objective, you can’t choose more than one from the same category.

here’s our list of the easiest secondaries to score in 9th edition Warhammer 40k.

Battlefield Supremacy- Linebreaker

shadowspear primaris 4Linebreaker is probably going to be the easiest to score of all the Battlefield Supremacy options. You don’t have to spread your forces thin in every quadrant. Instead, you can dedicate all of your power into getting units into the enemy’s deployment. What makes this objective especially great is two-fold. Your units are all going in the same direction which means for greater pressure applied to your opponent, and you score this at the end of your turn.

linebreaker 2We all know how hard it is going second in 9th Edition. You have to spend a turn to get on an objective and hope that your guys can live through your opponent’s turn to even be able to score a point. But the fact the Linebreaker is scorable at the end of your turn means that your opponent can’t do much to rob you of those points. What’s even better is that maps have also gotten smaller, meaning there’s less ground to cover for your units.

No Mercy, No Respite- Grind Them Down

Blue Blood Angels and stompy knights walGrind them Down is a fantastic option if you’re running more elite armies. Custodes, Imperial Knights, etc. You can even take this objective if you’ll be bringing huge fearless blobs like Abaddon with Cultists or Synapse’d Tyranids.

grind them downAll you want to do is kill more units than your opponent does. If you’re bringing some crazy firepower (like Knights) or plan on applying insane amounts of pressure (with something like Tyranids), this is an easy objective to pull off.

while we stand we fightThe other secondary that seems to be taken a lot is While We Stand, We Fight. While it sounds good to elect units and protect them, it’s ultimately putting a target on their back. Plus, it has to be the units that have the highest overall points cost. In a meta where some players can drop two Knights in a turn, this is a very dangerous secondary to take. Grind them Down just seems better all around

Purge the Enemy- Bring it Down

shadowspear venomcrawler new multipar chaosBring it Down is a great secondary to take with all of the Monsters and Vehicles running around currently in the meta. Dreadnoughts, big bugs, and Daemon Engines are all popular and you’ll at some point, almost always have to kill them anyway in the game. You might as well score points while doing it, right?

bring it downYou can score anywhere between 2-3 points depending on the total wounds characteristic of the model. Just keep that in mind.

An honorable mention here is Titan Hunter. If you’re facing Knights and think you have enough firepower to pop them, you can make a Knight list bleed points. You max out the secondary if you just kill two Titanic units all game. That’s super efficient and may be relatively easy to pull off. Especially if you’re running max squads of Eradicators.

Shadow operations- Raise the Banners High

imperial guard walIf you’re running infantry, Which most lists are, Raise the Banners High is an awesome secondary to bring. Especially if you’re more ground control-oriented.

raise the banners highIt takes up an action to start raising the banner, but once it’s raised, you’ll keep scoring points in your command phase (and at the end of the game) as long as you kept enemy units from touching it. Orks, GSC, and Dark Eldar lists are just a few armies that can really dominate in this area.

Warpcraft- Abhor the Witch

black templar chaplainFinally, Abhor the Witch is a fantastic option if you’re running pretty much anything but Eldar, Chaos, or Nids. Armies like Custodes, Knights, Space Marines, and Imperial Guard can all get by without using psychic support in their list. On that note, that makes those lists great for Abhor the Witch.

abhor the witchRemember, you can’t pick this secondary if you’ve got a Psyker (which is why we don’t recommend it for armies like Craftworld Eldar/Daemons. But if you sacrifice that psychic coverage and you end up killing a bunch of enemy Psykers, you can devastate on the scoring game. Imagine playing Raven Guard with three squads of Eliminators hunting psychic characters. Or playing literally any faction going against Thousand Sons.

As we’ve said before, there are always some exceptions to which secondaries are recommended for your army. But largely, the secondaries we talked about above shouldn’t be all that hard to pull off in a majority of games.

What is your do you find are the easiest secondaries to score in 40k now?

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