Top 3 Orks 40k Army Lists Right Now

By the looks of it, Orks are doing way better than they were in 8th- check out the top 3 40k tournament Army lists for Orks in 9th Edition!

Orks have been one of the more “successful” factions in the meta it seems. With all the points shaken up and scoring reworked, there are quite a few Ork players out there that are kicking butt and taking names. Here are the top 3 Ork lists we’ve seen rise up from the start of 9th Edition 40k.

Top 3 Orks 40k Army Lists Right Now

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Warzone Giga-Bites IV Stephen Mitchell- Orks

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stephen mitchell 2This list actually came in first place! We’ve got an incredibly elite list by Ork standards. We had Ghazghkull Chungus Thrakka hit the deck with two fatty squads of Meganobs that he more than likely rolled with. To add a little bit more bite to the list, a Nob with Waaagh! banner also followed the Meganobz and Boyz around to give them +1 to hit in the Fight Phase.

We talked about the ‘eavy armor of the list but we also can’t ignore the fact that 90 Goff Boyz were also taken and armed to da teef with slugga/choppas and stikk bombs. These guys were all supported by a gunline of Smasha Guns as well. To top everything off, he finished with a Patrol Detachment of a Weirdboy and some Gretchin for a bit more psychic coverage and objective grabbing power. Great job taking a unique list and coming out on top!

Warzone Giga-Bites IV: Seth the Mad Dok- Orks

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seth 2This list that came in 3rd place from the same event and used units we never saw on the competitive tables in 8th Edition. A Battalion of Orks with mainly minimum-sized Shoota Boyz hit the field with some Gretchin to help hold backfield objectives. For a little bit of objective reactiveness, three squads of Kommandos also made their way into the list. These guys could be put roughly where they needed to be on turn two and onward.

Finally, some Speed Freekz models in serious numbers also rolled out onto the field. Supported by those Shootas in Trukks, we had Shokjump Dragstas, Megatrakk Scrapjets, and Kustom Boosta Blastas zooming up the board to create space for ground control. This is pretty straightforward but no less awesome.

Ere We Go Again Ladz!: Marc Parker-Orks

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marc parker 1WHEW starting this list off strong. Okay so over half of the list’s points were dedicated to bringing three Gargantuan Squiggoths. to put that into perspective, that’s 105 wounds at T8. In melee, each one of these guys has 8 Attacks at S12 doing D6 damage as well. That’s enough to make anyone cringe. Moving on from the massive walking vegetables, a mix of Gretching and Kommandos were led by a Big Mek who was the Warlord. The Kommandos have shown to be a popular option because they can sneak onto objectives outside of the deployment zone later in the game.

marc parker 2To give a little bit of covering fire for the giant beasts, three squads of Smasha Guns were also taken. Each one of these also had a D6 damage profile and a whopping 48″ range. Basically, if you were playing an army with a bunch of multi-wound units, you were going to have a bad time. While this list didn’t make it into the top 3, it definitely was turning heads and taking other armies by surprise.


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So how do you like Orks in this meta? Are they the best faction to run for holding board control?

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